Friday, July 20, 2007

16 mile run


One of our MMers, Christy Tucker (seeyainthewindycity) is having childcare issues with tomorrow's 5:30 start time. She asked me to post a message asking if anyone else is planning on starting later, at 7:00 or 7:30 a.m. or so. She wants someone to run with since the pack will be so far ahead of her by then. OR, is anyone planning on doing the run any other time on Saturday or on Sunday even. If you are interested, please call me at work by 5:00 p.m. at 601-984-5167. After 5:00 please call her cell phone at 601-405-4909. Thanks.


Thursday, July 19, 2007


Hi all,

Long time no blog again. I hate excuses but I'm really busy at work these days and I don't have internet access at home.

I've only run twice this week and I could kick myself for it and I KNOW I'll be kicking myself on Saturday (IF I have the energy and IF my legs will cooperate). I am really struggling to get out of bed at 5:00 a.m. these days to do my run or XT. But on Saturday I am bouncing off the walls. I think it's the lure of you guys, I really do! So, I will be making a VERY conscious effort to improve my weekly training. I have to!!! Those 26.1 miles will be here before we know it.

I'm going to St. Louis on Sunday and I'll be there for a week so I'll miss you guys on the 28th. But I promise I'll train during the week while I'm gone and I'll do the 8 miles while there.

I'm already getting excited/anxious for Saturday's 16. I sure hope it rains!!!! (not sarcastic)

Run on marathoners!

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Still high from Saturday

I'm a little slow in writing, but can I tell you all how much I absolutely loved Saturday's run? It was may favorite run yet and I hope it rains like that every Saturday from here on out! Okay, I'm weird. I'm one of those people who loves a rainy day, even storms. But really, I felt like a 10 year old out playing in the rain and it was beautiful! Thank you Kayra for being my rainy day playmate. I just love running with you, and I'm so darn happy that we are such good friends! My knee was surprisingly cooperative during the run too. I felt it, but it didn't hurt by any means. Of course, my whole body was hurting after the run and my legs were sore until yesterday. Cindy has convinced me I have got to try the ice water thing. Brrrr. I can't wait for that. (sarcasm) So, I hadn't done any exercise until this morning when I ran, if you can call it that, and I hate being off schedule but that 15 took a whole lot out of me. Plus, I went on a really crappy blind date Saturday night and was out in a smoky bar way too late and that made me ill, in many ways. I'm better now and looking forward to a good run tomorrow and a great day off from exercise on Friday, and a nice short run on Saturday. Like many of you have said before, life is good. Thank you Marathon Makeover!

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Knee update

Well, I've got good news and bad news. The good news is: I ran yesterday and this morning! The bad news: yesterday I was only able to do it for 16 minutes before I became exhausted, and this morning I was only able to do it for 30 (I walked another 15). Now, keep in mind that I have not run since the 1/2 marathon and that yesterday I tried to do it at 11:00 am (stupid), but I have lost a lot of my conditioning. Amazing how fast that happens. Yesterday, my knee did not hurt at all! YEA! But today, it stiffened up after I stopped and now it is hurting. I've been icing it and eating ibuprofen and that should help. Going home to do my exercises tonight in hopes of being at 100% on Saturday, but if not, I can at least walk the 15 miles. I will try to run as much as I can but I will not push it. I am excited for 15 though regardless. See ya'll Saturday! We are marathoners!!!

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Woe is me!

Well, I'm dealing with some funk again. About a week before the half marathon I started feeling discomfort (not pain) in my right knee. It wasn't enough to stop me from doing the half and really didn't bother me much during the run. I honestly just thought I was overdue for new shoes. But a couple days after the half my knee became very sore. I went and got new shoes thinking that would help, but I still took all of last week off from running to give my knee a chance to rest. So Saturday morning, I went to Clinton with my new shoes on anxious to run. Well, I got to Maude Edith and tried to run and I absolutely couldn't. My knee was hurting now and both legs just felt off. I kept trying several times to run but I just couldn't. So I turned around and joined the curb crew back at ground zero. Sheila, Mark and Matt looked at it and all three said, "Go see Wayne." So I called him first thing Monday morning and got in to see him at 3:00 that afternoon.

Let me just say that Wayne is wonderful in many ways. I sat down on the table and he started talking to me about MM, running and triathlons and other non-injury stuff and he was manipulating my knee and leg the whole time and before I even told him what kind of problem I was having and what kind of pain I was in, he already knew what the problem was. AMAZING! He said my knee is not moving straight when I run. It's going crooked and rubbing bone on bone. So he gave me some exercises to do to strengthen my inner quad that should help straighten it out. The weirdest thing was that he told me to run. He asked what my pain was on a scale from 0 to 10 and I said a 4 and he said that unless it's a 7 or an 8, go ahead and run. I said I was worried that there was something wrong and I didn't want to aggravate it but he wasn't worried about that at all. I was so relieved. He is awesome and I wish I had just an ounce of his energy and drive! He told me to call him in a couple days and let him know how I'm doing. I didn't run this morning and probably won't get to tonight either so I'll probably do a short run tomorrow and my regular one on Thursday and take Friday off as usual. I will just die if I can't do the 15 this weekend. It was soooooooo hard to sit on the sideline on Saturday and watch. Kudos to you Sheila for being able to do that!

So, I'll keep ya'll posted on my goings on. Back to Saturday, Heather is my hero. You guys read Cindy's blog about the kitten. Seeing Heather walk up with a dirty, sweaty, cute and adorable kitten under her arm was the sweetest thing I'd ever seen, especially since she's highly allergic. She said she just couldn't leave it behind. Heather, you really are my hero for rescuing that kitten like that. You have a heart of gold! And I'm so glad Cindy adopted the kitten because it was obvious that it was love at first sight. This all is just more proof that MM participants are truly amazing people, in many more ways than the obvious!

Happy 4th everyone! I'll see you all Saturday, sidelined or not.