Monday, August 27, 2007

Really bad day and TMI!

Saturday was a nightmare from the moment I woke up, late. I was house sitting Friday night and I miscalculated my route and drive time to Lakeshore Park. So I got there 5 to 10 minutes after you all had left. That made me mad at myself, but it gave me energy to get going and try to catch up, which I did, somewhat. So I was going along fine through Foxbay when all of a sudden I had to make an emergency pitstop in the woods. It was humiliating and miserable, as some of you know from experience. So I got going again but felt drained and weak and tired, but I kept on for a while until I had to make another emergency pitstop in the woods. At this point I was feeling pretty horrible and I was contemplating going back to the intersection to go back to my car but I decided to push myself and keep going to the boat launch again. Just then Mark and Cookie passed me and Mark asked how I felt. Well, somewhere back in the woods I lost my ability to censor my thoughts and I told Mark exactly how I felt, and it wasn't pretty! Talk about TMI! I am so sorry Mark and Cookie! Please excuse my vulgarity! So I kept going and was feeling okay until I got back to the intersection when all of a sudden I was feeling a horrible pain on the outer bone of my left foot. I honestly felt like I was crushing the bones in my foot. And worse yet is that this happened at the end of the last two long runs. Luckily Robin was there checking on water and she said that I should go to Fleet Feet and have them check it out and then go to Wayne if they couldn't help. So I walked with a limp back to Lakeshore and called it done. Feeling mad, discouraged and totally disappointed, I went to Fleet Feet and a wonderful man there explained that I was probably wearing the wrong type of shoe. My shoes had too much support in them and they did not allow my feet to move they way they wanted to. It totally made sense and I was instantly relieved and encouraged. So go figure, I've been wearing the wrong shoe all along. Since my foot is still sore I didn't run this morning to test out the new shoes, but I think I'll be able to run tomorrow. And depending on how I feel by the end of the week, I'm thinking about trying to do 20 next Saturday instead of 10. I just feel like I need to get that mileage in. So, that's my pathetic story and I'm looking forward to having a better report next week. I must say though that I am so proud of you all and you all looked great out there. I really missed being there with you all before the run and at the start and mostly during the run. You guys are awesome and really are the only thing keeping me motivated. I love you guys, you marathoners!!!

Monday, August 20, 2007

It's ALL mental!

Okay guys, I realized something on Saturday (another epiphany?). At this point in our training, it is ALL mental! Really, it is! I know that because I went to bed Friday night with the intention of having a really good run on Saturday. I woke up Saturday morning with that same intention and guess what??? I had a great run! In fact, I had my best, fastest run yet. And I did this because I thought after the 18 that I was done for so I knew I needed two great, short Saturday runs in preparation for the 20 this coming Saturday. And I did. And it happened because I told myself that I was going to do it. So see guys, at this point, it really is a mental battle. Physically, we can do this. We are perfectly able to do it. It's the mental battle that we need to make a conscious decision to fight and win! Go marathoners, go, fight and win!

Tuesday, August 14, 2007


I just had one, no kidding!!!! I just realized that we have a mere two long runs left. Although they will be tough, LONG runs, there are only TWO left!!!! Do you all know what that means? It means that we are almost there!!! It means that if we had to, we could run Chicago tomorrow!!!!!! Yes, granted the time frame is about six weeks or so, but really, if you think about it in terms of having to get through the really hard, strenuous and difficult times, there are ONLY TWO LEFT! We can do this guys! All we have to do is maintain what we've got now by keeping hydrated and nourished and DOING OUR WEEKLY RUNS, and we'll be there! Come on everybody, just hold on, keep the vision (watch that video) and next thing you know, we'll be flying north! I can hardly wait! I love you guys, you marathoners you!

Monday, August 13, 2007

I found my mojo!

I though I lost it at mile 11 or so of the 18 mile run. But nope, I found it. Actually, I had it with me all the time, I just thought I'd lost it. (Sound familiar Austin Powers fans?) Really though, after the 18 I though I was done. But I felt great Saturday and had a really good run. Thanks Christy, Shelley and Carol-so glad I FINALLY got to meet you! I had a weird foot pain that started at the end of my run and I limped through Wal-Mart afterwards. It felt like I was crushing the outer bone in my left foot. But I went home and iced and stayed off of it all weekend and it is better today. I'm hoping it was just a fluke thing; I didn't run this morning to give it a good extra rest. Although I'm struggling to get in my weekly training, I'm really getting excited for Chicago! I know that I'll have to keep up the training in order to do what I need to do at the marathon. Like many others of you, I may slip in a treadmill run every here and there just to get a break from the killer heat. Many of us are struggling and/or lacking in motivation right now and I think it is probably somewhat normal. After all, it is 100+ degrees outside right now, the long runs are really hard, and um, LONG these days, and we have been doing this for ~six months now and the newness has sort of worn off. But my suggestion to anyone who is struggling is to watch the Chicago video (also posted on the forum): If this doesn't motivate you, nothing will!!!! Keep on keeping on guys! We are marathoners!!!!!

Monday, August 6, 2007


WOW!!!! Those 18 miles almost did me in!!! Let me first say though that I was a bad marathoner last week and I didn't train for a whole week, I ate a bunch of junk and I was not nearly as hydrated as I should have been. I was expecting a pretty crappy run but it was MUCH worse than I expected! I started out a little rough but I got into a rhythm after a while and did okay for about the first 11 miles. Then after the 2nd stop at the Fannin Boat launch I just ran out of steam and started to hurt and I just gave up really. I was running with Heather and we just decided to walk the rest of the way. That was the longest 7 miles of my life! It felt like it took FOREVER!! Luckily, Heather is a chatter bug and was able to talk the rest of the way. I tried to maintain conversation but I know I got pretty quiet those last 2 or so miles. I truly struggled with myself and with this goal and I wondered if I was going to be able to complete this challenge. I was especially disappointed because I was able to do intervals for all but about the last 1/2 mile of the 16. I spent all Saturday afternoon and evening in bed (I HATE that I missed the party) and I was on the couch most of Sunday (planned to go to yoga but didn't quite make it) but it gave me a lot of time to reflect. I know that everyone is entitled to a bad day and with my bad week before and with the heat and humidity, I should be proud for not quitting when I easily could have at the Lakeshore gate. No one ever said this was going to be easy. I also know that I have GOT TO TAKE THIS MORE SERIOUSLY!!! The marathon is a mere 2 months away and I MUST train every day, eat right, sleep well and hydrate. I have not been blogging or responding to blogs either but I promise to do better. Actually, I promise to be a better marathoner all around everyone, I promise!!!!!