Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Addicted to running!

Never have I ever said that or even thought I would ever say it! I don't even like running! I've ALWAYS been athletic (off and on mostly, but basically always) but I've never enjoyed running, that is until now. I tried it in my 20's but I only got up to 3 miles at a time and it really wasn't fun. I stopped after only a couple months. But now I can hardly contain my excitement for my new favorite hobby! I think I even had an out of body experience this morning. I was just running along, forcing my legs to keep moving when they desperately wanted to stop, and my mental being just left my physical body for a few seconds. It was weird, but I liked it! Was that the runner's high I hear so much about?

Saturday was soooo much fun and I was running like a machine that day! I don't know what got into me (I think it was the Monster-I only drink it on Saturday mornings--it REALLY helps), but Kim started me out on a really fast interval, and that set the pace for my whole run. I did 1.5:1 and I finished in less than 2 hours. That was the best I'd ever done and the strongest I'd ever felt. It was wonderful! Thank you so much Kim! Of course, I must admit that I am wiped out for the rest of the weekend every weekend after my runs. I took a 3 hour nap Saturday afternoon and I took 2 naps on Sunday! (Feeling back to my usual self now though!) Saturday's route was treacherous at times (breathtaking at others) and the hills were killers. Two of our MMers, both named Christy, took spills and have sprained ankles. Hope you guys are healing speedily! Clark, you are so awesome and it is so fun to have you out there with us on wheels. Thanks for sticking with us! It wouldn't be the same without you!

I gotta tell the girls about my new favorite running attire: the skirt! They are so comfortable and they prevent that feeling of having a rolled up newspaper between your legs that we females get from shorts that bunch up. I highly recommend a skirt to every girl, and to the guys too if you dare!

By the way, those of you who drive a Honda or an Acura, I highly recommend The Carshop that Jana blogged about. For the first time in my life I feel like I am being treated fairly by a mechanic! They are wonderful and I even had a nice chat with the owner about how people, mostly females, get ripped off by car places. The owner even told me that he left a certain dealership, which will remain nameless unless you really want to know, to open his own place because he was tired of people getting ripped off. How priceless is that?!!!

Keep on moving forward ya'll running your own races. We are marathoners and I can't imagine there is anything else we'd rather be!


Kayra said...

Ditto on the skirts. You did great Saturday! I'm jealous of all your naps, I barely took an hr nap before I heard my kids fighting over toys (yes, they fight and are only one!). I think I'm going to stick with my intervals another week before I graduate to 2:1. See you Saturday!

nissannurse said...

You were an animal out there!! I couldn't keep up with you (of course you weigh next to nothing and I'm 280lbs!!) I want to be like you when I grow up!!:)

Chicago_or_Bust said...

Way to go, Christa!!!!!

Now all the girls are gonna have to have skirts - MORE SHOPPING!!! Yikes! Thanks loads! :-((

You were running great on Saturday.

We will miss this Saturday. I hope everyone goes without injuries this run.


Believe in Miracles ~ Lisa B Davis said...

Way to gooooo!

The Miller's Blog said...

You looked excellent. You were an unstoppable running machine!!!! So proud of you Christa!!!! So glad to have you as part of this! You are always so enthusiastic and friendly! I'll miss everyone on Saturday. THis is only the 2nd Sat. I have missed. :-( See you soon.

Did I Just Do What I Think I Did? said...

great blog, christa!

I did LOVE your skirt! so cute!
sorry you couldn't join us for crawfish Saturday. It was so good but I was SO tired!
We will miss you in the next few weeks! Stay in touch!


Kim said...

Yay, Christa! You were GREAT! Girl, you left me in the dust :), but I wasn't mad at ya--you ran your race! :) Gotta go get one of those skirts!

Ann and Bob said...

You are always sooo encouraging. Thanks so much, see you Saturday.

catseye said...

Sounds like you had a great day on Saturday. Great going!
It was nice to see you, if only briefly on Saturday. I think we need another social activity to allow us to visit with one another a little more. Now we just run, jog, wag, wog and only get to visit with those we can keep up with! (Which keeps me from visiting with you :))
I do appreciate how supportive and positive you are on your blogs and your comments on others' blogs. Thanks!

Kayra said...

You rocked Saturday! #78, go Christa!