Wednesday, May 30, 2007

I'm back from vacation!

First, can I say how much I missed you guys? I felt totally out of the loop while I was away and I didn't like it at all! I did well with my training though; I got in all but 2 or 3 days of running or cross training, but I was very active the whole time (cleaning out my mom's house, taking my friend's dog on long walks, playing a lot with small children). I did both of my long runs and did them well, except for some sunburn which I didn't plan for (duh). I ate a whole lot of junk food and enjoyed it very much at the time but I'm feeling unhealthy now and anxious to get back into my routine. Overall, my trip was good and I enjoyed being with my friends and family again. I miss them and St. Louis in general very much. Boo hoo! But now back to the swing of things here...

Of course I'm absolutely swamped at work and am still trying to dig out. I've been slowly catching up on blogs and have about 50 to read still. I'll get through them but I probably won't comment as much. Sorry guys but I'm overwhelmed.

And today I'm feeling VERY guilty. I did my weekend long run on Sunday and haven't run since. I did not crosstrain on Monday since I drove for 7 hours and I turned off the alarm yesterday and this morning too, and I hate myself for it. I have GOT to get up tomorrow and run or else I'll be crawling my 11 miles on Saturday. I've set another alarm to go off tomorrow so that should help. I'm just exhausted and need to rest but need to run also. I cannot wait for Saturday as that day will be the start of my serious training again! I'm needing it, bad! Seeing all you guys will help tremendously too! Can't wait!



Kayra said...

I'm glad you are back! We missed you. Don't feel bad about not training. I have no excuse for not having trained the past 2 days. That's great that you got your training in while on vacation. You are doing great! I'm still very much crawling. I'm thinking I may be the last one finishing the marathon at the rate I'm going. Glad you are back!

The Miller's Blog said...

Glad to have you back! We missed your smile!!!!!

Kim said...

Welcome back! Glad you enjoyed your time away and wouldn't be great if there were no extra work to come back to??? Anyhoo, I forgot to thank you for your words of encouragement when I was venting. BTW, we are on a waiting list to adopt, but the wait is soooo looonnnng!!!!! Look forward to seeing you Saturday!!! :)

cjonesrun said...

Yea!! You're back! Glad you had a nice visit with your family and friends. Kudos to you for keeping up your training. I am going on vacation this Friday and it will be very challenging to get in all this training. I will miss the next 2 Saturday runs but look forward to seeing you on the 3rd Saturday!

cjonesrun said...

Yea!! You're back! Glad you had a nice visit with your family and friends. Kudos to you for keeping up your training. I am going on vacation this Friday and it will be very challenging to get in all this training. I will miss the next 2 Saturday runs but look forward to seeing you on the 3rd Saturday!

catseye said...

Glad you're back. It won't take long to get back in the groove. I have no doubts after seeing how you came back from injury.

Chuck Gautier said...

glad you are back. we miss your smiling face on Saturdays! cya

LegalSec said...

I was afraid you had fallen off the edge of the world, and followed Captain Jack Sparrow! Glad you're back. Now, get to blogging!!

Carol said...

You'll get back on track Saturday and be fine. Consider yourself rested and tapered for Saturday's run!

Robin said...

Welcome back! I hope you were able to train today - you'll get back into the swing, no problem. See you Saturday!