Monday, June 25, 2007

I am so happy and proud of us I could cry!

I can't believe we did a 1/2 marathon! I still can't believe we even attempted to do a 1/2 marathon, much less actually completed a 1/2 marathon! You guys are all so awesome and it is the team camaraderie that I enjoy the most about this whole thing. No kidding! It is so wonderful to have the encouragement and support of the group and I know for a fact that I wouldn't have gotten this far if it weren't for the help from my fellow MMers! I love each and every one of you! Thank you all! And Mark, Robin and Matt, you three are priceless and I can't thank you three for all you continue to do for us. You guys are so special and giving and it's because of you that this thing is what it is. (I'm tearing!)

I didn't do as well on the run as I would have liked. I had severe stomach problems Friday night (I ate bad Thursday and Friday---DUH!) but luckily my problem took a hiatus during the run on Saturday. My stomach was very sour and I thought a few times I was going to have to make an emergency pit stop in the bushes. Luckily I avoided that! I did take several bathroom breaks, every chance I could though and that took up a lot of time. And then I had severe toe cramping that I'd never had before so I wasted a lot of time stopping to stretch my toes. So, the majority of my problem was my own fault but I learned my lesson. I'd never had that before and I promise that I won't eat like crap before a run ever again! STUPID! And I'll stretch my toes from now on beforehand too. It's time for new shoes for me and I'm excited. I know I'll feel a difference and my "fat knee" will be a lot happier.

The party Saturday night was just awesome and I love seeing everyone in a social setting. I must admit though I was really tired and not very lively that night (even after a 3 hour nap), but I had a great time regardless. The food was delicious but overwhelming and I wish my stomach was larger so I could have tasted more than just that on the first table. I missed Matt's singing and I hate that! I did hear Mark's Ring of Fire though and that was fun and cute. Caroline is a doll and was great entertainment! Again, you guys are the best!

Sunday was a worthless day for me and I gave myself permission to do absolutely nothing. I figured I earned it. I actually feel okay today and am looking forward to the next big run.

Have a great week you all! Remember what Mark said before we ate Saturday night: "The rest is all between your ears!"



Chicago_or_Bust said...

Great post, Christa.

You did not appear to be so tired Sat. night.

We had a great time and really enjoyed visiting with everyone on a social level. As someone else posted, some people were hard to recognize without their 'running attire' - read: pink sunvisor! Ha.

Keep up the good training. We will miss the next 2 Saturdays - see ya July 14!


nissannurse said...

Yeah, I know what you mean. I wasn't my 'usual jovial self' that night cause I was exhausted (no nap). I hope I'm not like that in Chicago.......

Micah said...

The camaraderie is what I like best also. That and the fact that this is cheaper and funner than having lipo suction (is that how it is spelled?). It makes a difference when you have others running with you. I could never have done any of this on my own. My time was not what I wanted either but I am my own worst critic like most people. Hang in there and CHICAGO HERE WE COME!

Did I Just Do What I Think I Did? said...

You did great Christa even with a stomach ache. I have been there. It is not fun.
Have a great two weeks and we will see you when we return. I will be back in time for the next "short" run. Whopee!! Be ready to run with Donna, Cookie and me!


The Miller's Blog said...

You looked great out there Saturday morning! Couldn't even tell you had "issues!" LOL! And, I too, was so tired my social skills were dragging Sat. night. We need to do it again on a short run day!
KEep it up!

Robin said...

The hardest part really is done - all you have to do is hang in there and keep on keeping on! You can do it!

Kim said...

You're such a sweetheart! And you looked beautiful Saturday :) Glad your enjoyed the quesadillas.

The Miller's Blog said...

Christa--You're comment you posted under my blog today is so sweet and encouraging! It makes me fell 100 times better that I am not alone. I hope your knee is ok...should you go to a doc? I'm worried about it....