Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Still high from Saturday

I'm a little slow in writing, but can I tell you all how much I absolutely loved Saturday's run? It was may favorite run yet and I hope it rains like that every Saturday from here on out! Okay, I'm weird. I'm one of those people who loves a rainy day, even storms. But really, I felt like a 10 year old out playing in the rain and it was beautiful! Thank you Kayra for being my rainy day playmate. I just love running with you, and I'm so darn happy that we are such good friends! My knee was surprisingly cooperative during the run too. I felt it, but it didn't hurt by any means. Of course, my whole body was hurting after the run and my legs were sore until yesterday. Cindy has convinced me I have got to try the ice water thing. Brrrr. I can't wait for that. (sarcasm) So, I hadn't done any exercise until this morning when I ran, if you can call it that, and I hate being off schedule but that 15 took a whole lot out of me. Plus, I went on a really crappy blind date Saturday night and was out in a smoky bar way too late and that made me ill, in many ways. I'm better now and looking forward to a good run tomorrow and a great day off from exercise on Friday, and a nice short run on Saturday. Like many of you have said before, life is good. Thank you Marathon Makeover!


The Miller's Blog said...

I loooooove rainy, stormy days. Nothing better--except running in it! I, too, had fun in all that rain!

Glad your knee didn't bother you. Sounds like you're doing great! And the ice water, tried it. everyone swears by it,but I guess my main problem is not stretching like I should....but, everybody else loves the ice water--although, I don't recall being sore afterwards...maybe it did work!

Sorry about your bad blind date. Are there such things as GOOD blind dates? :-)

Can't wait to see ya Saturday! Keep up the good work.

cjonesrun said...

Christa, So glad your knee is doing all right. I too loved the rain but the squishing of my shoes I could have done without. I have not tried the ice bath yet, but I take COLD showers and I was not sore either time I have done that. I mean minimal soreness, but barely any soreness. This marathon thing is so great for us!

Cincha said...

Glad your knee is doing better. I liked the rain for the most part--the times when it felt like little darts, however, was NOT fun.

See you Saturday!

Did I Just Do What I Think I Did? said...

I am so glad to see you blogging again! I am missing you big time!
Can't wait to see you Saturday.
I love the rain also. I really love how good my hair looks in the rain and humidity! LOL

Kim said...

The cold baths really do help with the pain. You can do it like Kelvin. Get in lukewarm water & add ice.

Sorry about the bad blind date. This, too shall pass! :)

nissannurse said...

I wish I could have ran in the rain with you guys instead of all of that steam. I hope it rains as well. Sorry about your blind date thing. Next time, run him by me for approval!! :-)