Tuesday, August 14, 2007


I just had one, no kidding!!!! I just realized that we have a mere two long runs left. Although they will be tough, LONG runs, there are only TWO left!!!! Do you all know what that means? It means that we are almost there!!! It means that if we had to, we could run Chicago tomorrow!!!!!! Yes, granted the time frame is about six weeks or so, but really, if you think about it in terms of having to get through the really hard, strenuous and difficult times, there are ONLY TWO LEFT! We can do this guys! All we have to do is maintain what we've got now by keeping hydrated and nourished and DOING OUR WEEKLY RUNS, and we'll be there! Come on everybody, just hold on, keep the vision (watch that video) and next thing you know, we'll be flying north! I can hardly wait! I love you guys, you marathoners you!


Chicago_or_Bust said...

I felt the Earth tremble today - it was obviously your "Epiphany"!

Let me know next time you are conjuring one up, so I can hold on to something! Ha..



The Miller's Blog said...

Ha! You're so cute!

Chuck Gautier said...

You are hillarious. No really, I have been in denial that we only have 2 LONG runs.. We love you too!!

cjonesrun said...

Wow, I could feel the enthusiasm in that blog! Thanks I needed a boost! Are you going to try to meet us at the Rez Monday morning at 5:15am for a group training wog? Hope so.

nissannurse said...

My B-day is on 9/12. You can still do the yoga classes. It's $5.00 for each class. She wants more people to join.