Monday, August 27, 2007

Really bad day and TMI!

Saturday was a nightmare from the moment I woke up, late. I was house sitting Friday night and I miscalculated my route and drive time to Lakeshore Park. So I got there 5 to 10 minutes after you all had left. That made me mad at myself, but it gave me energy to get going and try to catch up, which I did, somewhat. So I was going along fine through Foxbay when all of a sudden I had to make an emergency pitstop in the woods. It was humiliating and miserable, as some of you know from experience. So I got going again but felt drained and weak and tired, but I kept on for a while until I had to make another emergency pitstop in the woods. At this point I was feeling pretty horrible and I was contemplating going back to the intersection to go back to my car but I decided to push myself and keep going to the boat launch again. Just then Mark and Cookie passed me and Mark asked how I felt. Well, somewhere back in the woods I lost my ability to censor my thoughts and I told Mark exactly how I felt, and it wasn't pretty! Talk about TMI! I am so sorry Mark and Cookie! Please excuse my vulgarity! So I kept going and was feeling okay until I got back to the intersection when all of a sudden I was feeling a horrible pain on the outer bone of my left foot. I honestly felt like I was crushing the bones in my foot. And worse yet is that this happened at the end of the last two long runs. Luckily Robin was there checking on water and she said that I should go to Fleet Feet and have them check it out and then go to Wayne if they couldn't help. So I walked with a limp back to Lakeshore and called it done. Feeling mad, discouraged and totally disappointed, I went to Fleet Feet and a wonderful man there explained that I was probably wearing the wrong type of shoe. My shoes had too much support in them and they did not allow my feet to move they way they wanted to. It totally made sense and I was instantly relieved and encouraged. So go figure, I've been wearing the wrong shoe all along. Since my foot is still sore I didn't run this morning to test out the new shoes, but I think I'll be able to run tomorrow. And depending on how I feel by the end of the week, I'm thinking about trying to do 20 next Saturday instead of 10. I just feel like I need to get that mileage in. So, that's my pathetic story and I'm looking forward to having a better report next week. I must say though that I am so proud of you all and you all looked great out there. I really missed being there with you all before the run and at the start and mostly during the run. You guys are awesome and really are the only thing keeping me motivated. I love you guys, you marathoners!!!


Kayra said...

I'm no expert, but my advice: don't try to do 20. Just get ready for 22. as you know, I missed the 16 and 18 mile runs. I went out Sat planning on 15, hoping for 20. I feel I did great even though I didn't finish. I think your time will be better spent getting ready for 22, than trying to make up for last weekend.
PS, I'm bringing plenty of earplugs for all of us. I have discovered I snore sometimes when I'm exhausted. which probably means you will need them the night of the marathon.

nissannurse said...

I cannot wait to see you on Oct. 7th. You have such an infectious attitude and always put a smile on my face when I see you.
So you had a bad day....get in line and collect the t-shirt! Just think about how 'pumped' you are going to be in Chicago!! Saturday is a distant memory and tomorrow is a new day!! Go get em' marathoner!!

cjonesrun said...

I wondered what happened to you! I am glad it sounds like a simple thing as changing shoes...hope they work better for you! I agree with Kayra...just do your training every day and do the shorter Saturday runs and you will be ready for the 22 miler. You'll be able to finish, I know you will. Don't slack on your training (I'm telling myself this at the same time) and we'll see you this coming Saturday!

Chicago_or_Bust said...


Sorry you had "pit stop" problems and shoe problems. Better to get the shoe thing taken care of now, so you can get some miles on those new shoes before Chicago!

I agree with the above advice - put the 20 behind you and do the 2 short runs the next 2 weeks (can you believe I called 10 miles short???). :-)

Jana and I will be out of town this Saturday - we are going to visit her daughter in Kansas City, then my daughter in Seattle. We will be back in time for the run on the 8th. I don't know if Jana will be able to run then, but hopefully so.


Debra said...

Hi Christa:
I'm so sorry that the run went so badly for you. However, I'm very glad that your pain problem appears to be the wrong shoes rather than something more complicated.

Take care of yourself.


Robin said...

Sounds like I should have tossed you in the back of the truck! I hope you've found an answer to your foot troubles. Don't you dare make up the 20, just chalk it up to a not-so-great run and do the schedule. Making it up would do more harm than good.
Hang in there!

lisathehornplayingturtle said...

I vote, don't do the twenty this weekend. This bad day isn't going to dictate how well you do in Chicago. Working every fourth weekend the last two years, I had to miss my share of LONG runs and never make them up. I don't think it made a bit a difference in Chicago. Pretend Saturday never happened and that you missed the long run. I'm glad your shoes were the problem and it wasn't an injury. My money's on you; you will finish in Chicago, no doubt about it.

Did I Just Do What I Think I Did? said...

I am so sorry you had a bad day! You know I know about pit stops! Yuk!
After my heel fracture the choir director at our church told me he ran a marathon a couple of years ago and never ran more than 15 miles before the marathon. Not on purpose of course, but he said he just never had time to train like he wanted to. He was very encouraging to me.
I agree with the others. Skip the 20 and continue on.
I have not done anything for three weeks now (I tried the elliptical and water aerobics twice but I don't think it was smart). I hope to start back slowly on Thursday.
We will get there! What doesn't kill us makes us stronger! HA!

Carol said...

I also vote for you NOT to try to do 20 this weekend. Sounds like you did at least 15 miles and you might really hurt yourself if you did 20 this weekend on top of that painful run. I've had my share of the visits to the woods so I can sympathize with you on that.

The Miller's Blog said...

Chalk it up to a bad day! (Are you noticing a pattern?) We've ALL been there for different reasons, but we've all had our bad running days. You will do awesome in Chicago. Kelvin is right--your attitude is soooo infectious. I am so happy to have you on this adventure with us! Hope your new shoes work out well!!!!

Kim said...

You, too??? I agree, don't make up the 20. We'll have a great run next weekend :)