Monday, September 17, 2007


I am having serious problems with my feet and shoes and I need advice, please. Let me give you all as brief of a history of my problems as I can:

July 21, 16 miler: The bones of the outside of my left foot felt like they were being crushed starting around mile 15. Limped back to Lakeshore that last mile. Foot sore for a day or two afterward.

August 11, 9 miler: Same problem same place, started at the end of the 10 mile run. Foot sore again for a while.

August 25, 20 miler: Same problem same place, started at about mile 11, walked/limped back to Lakeshore having run only about 11. Went to Fleet Feet and they explained that I was probably wearing the wrong type of shoe. My shoes had too much support in them and they did not allow my feet to move they way they wanted to. They put me in the cushiest pair of Nikes they had that were neutral support.

September 8, 10 miler: New Nikes, only made it about 4 or 5 miles before I got a new pain in a new part of my OTHER foot. Cushy Nikes felt really comfortable until I could see my right foot pronating and felt pain (obviously from the pronating) at mile 4 or 5. Finished 8 miles but foot was VERY sore afterwards. Went to Fleet Feet again and they gave me medium support Sauconys.

September 15, 22 miler: New shoes again, made it about 5 miles before toes and pad of left foot started hurting/cramping badly, then the sore spot on the other foot from the 10 miler the weekend before that was already sore to begin with started hurting much worse. Gave up running shortly after the turn around at Foxbay, walked back to the intersection where Sheila picked me up (THANK YOU Sheila!) .

Okay folks, I'm TOTALLY frustrated and VERY concerned and don't know what to do. The pain doesn't start until mile 5 or 6 so I NEVER have it during the week. I only know on Saturdays what my feet/shoes are going to do. I've changed shoes 3 times and at this point the only thing I know to do is go back to my original shoe (Fila) and try that again because it got me the farthest distance (18 miles) and I'm quickly running out of time here. I wonder if maybe the Fleet Feet inserts I had in my Filas where bothering my left foot 'cause it only hurt in that one spot in those shoes. Lisa Davis (the horn playing turtle), gave me a website that sells really good inserts/soles (Sole Custom Footbeds) that are heat moldable. She said she had bad feet problems her first year and doesn't wear anything but these in her shoes. So right now my plan is to order those inserts and go back to Fleet Feet and get my original Filas and just hope for the best. I haven't seen Wayne or anyone about this because I don't have an injury I just have random pains in my feet. Any advise on my problem would be GREATLY APPRECIATED! Thank you all!



Ann and Bob said...

Christa.... have you tried getting a NEW pair of your original shoes.
That is what I ended up doing. I got a new pair of shoes at 13 mile and they did not worked so I got a NEW pair of my original.. that helped. That is all the advice I can give you... hope you work it out. Ann

lisathehornplayingturtle said...

Oh Christa, I hope it works for you. Best of luck. I'm a firm believer in "if it's not broke, don't fix it". Go back to the Filas and go see Wayne.

cjonesrun said...

I recommend seeing Wayne. He can look at your gait and you can give him all the details of the various problems. Sounds like the Filas were the best for you but not ideal. Wayne may be able to do something with the Filas to get them closer to the ideal. He added a special pad in the toe of my Filas that has helped tremendously. I know how frustrating this must be! Good luck.

Chuck Gautier said...

ditto on the new pair of Fila's and a good look see by Wayne- Wayne won't hurt, and may see

Mark Simpson said...

Don't pass go and don't collect $200 and go directly to see Wayne. He is the best bet at getting you out of foot jail free.

The Miller's Blog said...

I agree. Go see Wayne. Also, I tried to go back to my original Mizunos, but of course this years model was different than last years, and they were not like my original pair. I am now in Adidas and don't like them as much. Kim McCoy told me that Sports and Co. in Foley has last years models of the same shoes that Fleet Feet has and their cheaper and no sales tax and no shipping charges. I'm thinking about calling to see if they have my Mizunos that I loved so much. Email me if you want the number and I will give it to you.

Believe in Miracles ~ Lisa B Davis said...

Hey... maybe you could wear the original shoe on one foot and the new one on the other..... NO REALLY... Go see Wayne! :)