Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Can't sleep

Those of you who know me well know that sleep is one of the things I do best. Last night it took me FOREVER to wind down when usually I'm falling asleep on the couch at 8:00 p.m. Then, once I finally went to bed I just couldn't stay asleep. I tossed and turned and was up and down several times. That is the first time I can remember that I've had this problem. So this morning when I got to work I was complaining to my doctor boss who has run over 20 marathons and he said that this is VERY normal and he said to expect it to continue all week. He said to be prepared to have WILD dreams every night too. He said this is happening because our adrenalin is already starting to kick in. I told him if this keeps us that I'll be exhausted before the race even starts and he said "yep" and started laughing. So all, know that our restlessness is normal and it's our body's way of getting us ready to run our race. Go you marathoners! See ya'll in Chicago!



The Miller's Blog said...

That makes me feel better! Glad to know I'm not the only one tossing and turning and having insanely odd dreams. Actually the tossing and turning is normal for me. It's the weird dreams that aren't! Have a great rest of the week.

nissannurse said...

And I'm having the exact opposite problem! I can't keep from falling asleep! I worked 64 hours last week and 54 this week ending Thursday night at 11:30pm then back up at 4:00 to fly out on Friday! I'll have to sleep all day Saturday to catch up!! I'm exhausted. I got a b-12 shot today to see if I can perk up some.......

Did I Just Do What I Think I Did? said...

One word: Lunesta.
Works like a charm.

catseye said...

Yes, it's hard to sleep and I'm expecting that I will toss and turn Friday and Saturday night in Chicago even more. Guess I'll catch up on Sunday night as long as I don't strangle myself wearing the medal to bed!

cjonesrun said...

Oh dear, my adrenalin must not have started kicking in yet, 'cause I am sleeping like a baby and want more! Cathy's comment about getting strangled on our medal is funny...that's the way to think positively! Cheryl