Monday, October 29, 2007

A great time was had by all!

Thank you Cathy for a fabulous Halloween party. I miss you all SOOOO much! Here are some pics... (click on my blog name or "A great time was had by all" to view.)

(I can't believe the marathon is over and I STILL don't know how to attach pictures right! Duh!)


Did I Just Do What I Think I Did? said...

OMG! Those are the best and most fun pictures!
I know yall had a great time!

nissannurse said...

Sorry I missed it! I was in Columbus taking care of my mother.

Believe in Miracles ~ Lisa B Davis said...

Thanks CHRISta!


It really was fun.. I will have to copy these!

The Miller's Blog said...

Shucks. Looks like I missed out on a great party. Sorry I missed it. :-( Thanks for sharing the pictures. Hilarious!!!!!!

lisathehornplayingturtle said...

What a great bunch of people at a fun party. Wish I could've come....had to toot my horn at a concert. Great pictures! Thanks for sharing them. Well Christa, looks like I might be working in the ped. hematology/oncology lab. Know any of those techs? Seems like a good bunch of ladies.

LegalSec said...

Great pictures! Sorry I missed it! Hang in there Christa, you'll get the hang of attaching those pictures. . . ;o)

Cincha said...

Looks like Capt. Jack Sparrow's got himself a good-looking hoochie mama!! Typical, though. :-) You need to figure out how to post some of video you have!!

catseye said...

It was so great to see everyone that came in such wonderful costumes. I think it was our best Halloween party ever and that was because of all our Marathon friends! My pics weren't any better than Christa's but I'll post them in a blog when I get a second. Maybe tonight when I get home. Thanks for making the party so great!

Kayra said...

can't believe I missed that party. :( all of you look great though!