Monday, October 29, 2007

A great time was had by all!

Thank you Cathy for a fabulous Halloween party. I miss you all SOOOO much! Here are some pics... (click on my blog name or "A great time was had by all" to view.)

(I can't believe the marathon is over and I STILL don't know how to attach pictures right! Duh!)

Monday, October 22, 2007


Okay, I think we finally got it! (Thanks Kayra!)

Trying again...

to post pics....

This probably won't work....

Friday, October 19, 2007

My marathon pics

Hi all,

Here is a link to my pictures from Chicago:

Note that it was Kayra's husband Claude and not me who was playing with my camera and took all the crazy pictures outside at the group photo. haha

I'll have more coming soon from my disposable camera that I had with me during the run. Enjoy all!


Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Marathon Makeover Annonymous?

Does it exist? I need it! I cannot stop! Even thought the Chicago Marathon is over and I'm not signing up to do the MS Blues (more on that below), the thought of being done with MM just kills me!!!! I was so looking forward to having NOTHING to do this weekend and to staying up late Friday night and sleeping in Saturday morning, and I did both of those things. But let me just say that it was AWFUL and I missed my Saturday morning routine and my friends SO much!!!! I swear I'm think I'm having withdrawal!!! So, Mark, Robin, Scotty, and Matt: do you have a need for more curb crew? I'm serious! If you can think of a regular, recurring, occasional, or one-time task (paid or volunteer) that I can do for and with MM, please let me know!

About MS Blues, I just can't do it right now. I've changed my mind a million times about whether or not I was going to do it and I even had a check and the registration form in a sealed envelope at one point, but I've finally decided that I am not going to for several reasons: 1) my darn feet and shoe problem. I STILL don't have the right shoes and my feet were killing me soon after the marathon started, 2) my previous goal for after the marathon was to buy a house and move, which I am gearing up to do and will be very time consuming, 3) I don't really like running, except for Saturdays. In fact I HATED training during the week, absolutely HATED it! But, I did it because I knew I had to. But I absolutely LOVED running on Saturdays. (It was seeing my MM friends on Saturdays that I loved!) Basically, I'm not very good at running and I don't really enjoy doing things that I'm not good at. 4) I REALLY want/need to lose the 50 pounds that I gained in three years after I moved to Mississippi and in fact that was my goal for this year and during the marathon training. It just didn't happen because I was so drained after the runs that ALL I wanted to do and did do was eat. 5) My goal for after I buy the house and move is to go back to school to finish my degree, which again will be very time consuming.

So, those are my reasons. I had these goals planned out in January and I really want to stick to them. But I am in no way done with MM or with running even. I will be at the MS Blues Marathon cheering on my MM friends, and I am shooting to be a MM participant in 2009. After all, my other goal of completing a marathon still has not been met. I just feel that my other goals are a little more important at this point in time. So I'll still be checking in with MM regularly and Mark, Robin, Matt and Scotty, I'm serious when I say I want a job. So all, that's my plan and unless something major changes, I'm sticking to it.

Let me say one more time that my MM experience and my MM friends are the best I could have ever asked for. I love each and every one of you!


Wednesday, October 10, 2007

My marathon experience was....

except for their absolute disaster, ABSOLUTELY AMAZING!!!!!! The marathon experience was so much more incredible than I ever could have imagined. The start, the first couple miles with all the spectators and the marathoners cheering and hooting was absolutely awesome! I started out with Heather, my running buddy, and I was dehydrated by the time I got to the first dry water stop so I had to slow way down, reduce my intervals a lot, and send Heather on her way ahead of of me. My pace suffered tremendously because of the dehydration. Somewhere between mile 2 and 5 another marathoner told me there was water in a diner that we had just passed. I turned around and went in and the lady behind the counter had a huge box of chilled bottled waters that she was handing out hand over fist. I told her thank you so much and that she doesn't know how much she saved us and she told me not to thank her but to thank the lady sitting in a booth by herself eating a stack of pancakes. Obviously the lady knew the trouble we were in and was generous enough to buy a box of bottled water. She saved me and many others. I didn't get any water again until mile 6 at the water stop. People were getting really mad. Heather kept calling me every couple miles to give me leads on where I could get water. It was so sweet; thank you Heather. The spectators and businesses though stepped in time after time, buying jugs of water, bottled water and letting us use their hoses. They also saved me and many others. I don't think I got Gatorade until mile 10 or 12.

It was awesome for me to run close to the edge of the road like I did and to hear my name cheered constantly. That was the best part of the whole entire experience. The crowd was just wonderful. It was so fun to see Robin, Matt, Sheila and the other MM spouse curb crew. The balls of my feet were hurting really badly and I was rubbing raw blisters on the inside and back of each foot. My feet were in agony but I was determined to continue. Kayra caught up to me and was a sight for sore eyes. I was glad to have her with me for the rest of the way. The "end of the race" pace vehicle passed me sometime after I crossed the halfway point (I think) and they were broadcasting that the race was over, but we didn't understand. I thought they meant that if I didn't hurry and catch the vehicle and get well ahead of it, then I wouldn't officially finish the race. I tried to speed up but everything just got chaotic and blurry. The police were saying the race was over and others were saying that too, but we were confused. I angrily asked one police officer why it was over and he said, "We ran out of supplies, love." We were mad. Finally the helicopters and emergency vehicles told us the race had been canceled and that we would be diverted at mile 16. That's exactly what happened. We merged with what looked like another whole marathon coming up a cross street and we all headed, walking, back to Grant Park. They told us not to run, to walk only since the race had been canceled. They told us to get on a bus we refused. They told us that we would get our medals but that is was for a fun run only, not a marathon. We walked the ~3 miles back to the park as they turned the fire hydrants on us forcing us to get drenched. We walked to the corner of Jackson and Michigan and they sent us east on Jackson to an intersection where about 25 to 30 race volunteers were passing out medals as if they were nothing. I never saw the finish line.

I am disappointed, mad, sad, angry, devastated, in shock, etc. on how the race was handled by the officials but I am thrilled with the experience of what a marathon can be. The trip to Chicago and the experience with MM really was a life changing experience and I will remember it for as long as I live. I will forever be indebted to Mark, Robin, Matt, Scotty and Wayne. And I will be back again, no doubt!!!

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Can't sleep

Those of you who know me well know that sleep is one of the things I do best. Last night it took me FOREVER to wind down when usually I'm falling asleep on the couch at 8:00 p.m. Then, once I finally went to bed I just couldn't stay asleep. I tossed and turned and was up and down several times. That is the first time I can remember that I've had this problem. So this morning when I got to work I was complaining to my doctor boss who has run over 20 marathons and he said that this is VERY normal and he said to expect it to continue all week. He said to be prepared to have WILD dreams every night too. He said this is happening because our adrenalin is already starting to kick in. I told him if this keeps us that I'll be exhausted before the race even starts and he said "yep" and started laughing. So all, know that our restlessness is normal and it's our body's way of getting us ready to run our race. Go you marathoners! See ya'll in Chicago!


Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Giving away 2 Fleet Feet coupons

Hi all,

I have two Fleet Feet coupons that I will not be using. One is for 15% off a sports bra for the ladies (of course) or 15% off apparel for men. The other is 10% off the "hydration system of your choice" which includes Fuel Belt, Ultimate Direction, Nathan, Gatorade Endurance, Ultima and Endurolytes. I will be glad to give these to anyone who can use them, just let me know via email at

Saturday's run was better than my last few runs. My feet still hurt, the balls of my feet more specifically, but it wasn't as bad as it had been. I did 9 miles and had permission to do up to 15 but since I was hurting I felt I would wait to really push myself until the big one. My Sole Custom Inserts should be arriving today and I have high hopes for them. We'll see.

I am getting extremely excited about Chicago and it's all I can do to stay focused at work. Yall's blogs lately have been making me shed many tears. Who would have thought this whole thing would have been so much more than just running? I love you guys! See you all Saturday for the last group run (boo hoo)!


Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Shoe/feet update

I saw Wayne the Magic Man yesterday and let me tell you that I feel excitement about this whole thing again! It had been gone for over a month at least and honestly, I was pretty much ready to throw in the towel, but I once again have hope that I can get through this! Wayne watched me walk and had me do other exercises and he said that since I don't have an injury and since I am having a different problem on different parts of my feet each time I try new shoes, the problem is not with my feet but with my shoes. I brought in the old Filas that I was going to get a new pair of and the Sauconys that I was going to return. He said he doesn't like Filas because they are made more for tennis than for running. He traced the Filas and the Sauconys and showed me that the Filas were about a centimeter narrower than the Sauconys and that the outside bones were hurting in the Filas because they were too narrow. The balls of my feet were hurting with the Sauconys and he said that could probably be remedied with the Fleet Feet inserts that I had in my Filas. So he put the Fleet Feet inserts in my Sauconys and they felt fine this morning when I ran, but they always do until I get to a longer run. I guess the real test will be Saturday. I ordered the inserts Lisa Davis told me about even though Wayne said they may or may not help. I also talked to Wayne about not having done a 20 or 22 miler and about having walked the last 7 of my 18 and feeling like I haven't done enough long distances and he said he would talk to Mark about me doing a longer run on Saturday, maybe 14, 16 or 18. So, Mark emailed me before Wayne talked to Mark and I told him the whole story and Mark said...

"As far as doing more this Saturday, I'm not sure about that. Yes, you walked the last seven miles. I walked my last 8 miles two years ago and got a medal. The biggest thing is do you think you are mentally tough enough to gut out an extra 8 or 10 miles from you longest run? I'm not sure that the extra miles will do anything more than boost your confidence but might add more fatigue on the back end. If you need the boost go for it. If you can psyche yourself to leave it all on the race course, I would do 10 miles and rest for the race. I've done two marathons with 16 miles being my longest run. It was hard and it was a mental battle but I did it!"

Mark is so incredibly awesome as you all already know!!!!! That is all I needed to hear! So I replied and said...

"Right now, my confidence is in as bad of shape as my feet are. But I know I'll be able to do it mentally on race day, as long as I'm physically prepared for it. If I have 2 good runs each of the next Saturdays, then that will boost my confidence tremendously. If you think that physically I have done enough, then I am fine with that and I will just do the last two Saturday runs as planned and not risk getting over tired. "

So that is my plan. I share all of this with you because I know of MANY of you out there that are in a similar situation as me. If we can maintain our current physical ability and boost our confidence up to where it needs to be, then we can do this. I know that is harder said than done for those of us dealing with "physical issues," but this is it. There is no more time left. It's do or die and this is what we've been shedding our blood, sweat and tears toward for these last eight months. This is the mental battle that will stop us like a brick wall or keep us moving forward. To anyone who is having issues, I say do what you can for the next two weeks and then run like hell come marathon day! I really do think that our "pain" will be different somehow on that day! See you all Saturday you awesome marathoners you!

Monday, September 17, 2007


I am having serious problems with my feet and shoes and I need advice, please. Let me give you all as brief of a history of my problems as I can:

July 21, 16 miler: The bones of the outside of my left foot felt like they were being crushed starting around mile 15. Limped back to Lakeshore that last mile. Foot sore for a day or two afterward.

August 11, 9 miler: Same problem same place, started at the end of the 10 mile run. Foot sore again for a while.

August 25, 20 miler: Same problem same place, started at about mile 11, walked/limped back to Lakeshore having run only about 11. Went to Fleet Feet and they explained that I was probably wearing the wrong type of shoe. My shoes had too much support in them and they did not allow my feet to move they way they wanted to. They put me in the cushiest pair of Nikes they had that were neutral support.

September 8, 10 miler: New Nikes, only made it about 4 or 5 miles before I got a new pain in a new part of my OTHER foot. Cushy Nikes felt really comfortable until I could see my right foot pronating and felt pain (obviously from the pronating) at mile 4 or 5. Finished 8 miles but foot was VERY sore afterwards. Went to Fleet Feet again and they gave me medium support Sauconys.

September 15, 22 miler: New shoes again, made it about 5 miles before toes and pad of left foot started hurting/cramping badly, then the sore spot on the other foot from the 10 miler the weekend before that was already sore to begin with started hurting much worse. Gave up running shortly after the turn around at Foxbay, walked back to the intersection where Sheila picked me up (THANK YOU Sheila!) .

Okay folks, I'm TOTALLY frustrated and VERY concerned and don't know what to do. The pain doesn't start until mile 5 or 6 so I NEVER have it during the week. I only know on Saturdays what my feet/shoes are going to do. I've changed shoes 3 times and at this point the only thing I know to do is go back to my original shoe (Fila) and try that again because it got me the farthest distance (18 miles) and I'm quickly running out of time here. I wonder if maybe the Fleet Feet inserts I had in my Filas where bothering my left foot 'cause it only hurt in that one spot in those shoes. Lisa Davis (the horn playing turtle), gave me a website that sells really good inserts/soles (Sole Custom Footbeds) that are heat moldable. She said she had bad feet problems her first year and doesn't wear anything but these in her shoes. So right now my plan is to order those inserts and go back to Fleet Feet and get my original Filas and just hope for the best. I haven't seen Wayne or anyone about this because I don't have an injury I just have random pains in my feet. Any advise on my problem would be GREATLY APPRECIATED! Thank you all!


Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Feet don't fail me now!

Hi all,

I am so sorry for not having blogged in such a long time and for not showing up for the Saturday run, again. I had great intentions to but my stomach had other plans. I was horribly ill all Friday night and I got up Saturday morning and got dressed but my stomach decided it was not a good idea. After all the fun I had in the woods at Foxbay the last time I just didn't have the guts to chance it. So I went back to bed and felt horrible all day but made it to the meeting and was so glad I went. That really made me excited and nervous, didn't it you guys too? I did 8 miles on Sunday and was planning on doing all 10 but damn it if my feet and/or shoes are not cooperating. I was wearing my brand new super cushy Nikes, and they felt really comfortable except that I could see my right foot pronating and it began to hurt at mile 4 or 5. I toughed it out and finished 8 but my foot was soooooooo sore and I was absolutely frustrated afterwards. I have been having foot problems since the 18 where it felt like I was crushing the outer bones in my foot. After I was only able to do 14 of the 20 I went to Fleet Feet for a shoe change and they gave me these Nikes which were not as structured as the Filas I was wearing, and they felt great and super cushy and did not hurt the one spot on my foot that hurt before, but they are obviously not stable enough to support my other foot that pronates. UGH! I asked the guy if anyone has ever worn 2 different shoes and he laughed at me. So anyway, now I'm in a pair of Sauconys (sp) and I'm anxious to try them out tomorrow. I'm nervous though 'cause I'm running out of time to find the right shoe. This seems crazy that I still have not found the right shoe.

So, I'm anxious for Saturday since I feel like I have not been a very good marathoner for the last couple months. I've not been training during the week well or enough, not blogging and responding to blogs, not eating right, and not hydrating enough which leads to not running very well on Saturdays (duh). Did everyone read Matt's blog? Whoa, that hit home for me. Sometimes I think that I purposefully sabatoge myself. That's insane, I know. I realize though that for whatever reason, I have not done a very good job in my training for Chicago, but it will motivate me to do better next time now that I know what I'm up against and how impossible it is to "just get by." You all need to know though that your encouragement, support and friendship has been the most important and vital part of my training. Really you guys, you all are what has gotten me this far. I PROMISE that I would have dropped out a long time ago if it wasn't for my new MM friends pushing me and encouraging me when times got tough. You all are so dear to me and I can't thank you enough for all that you give. I better stop now before the water in my eyes starts dripping. See you all Saturday!

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Took a break!

I'm sorry I was a no-show on Saturday but I decided Friday night that I was just very, very tired and that I needed a break. So I went to bed without setting my alarm and I slept until 9:30. It felt good to sleep in but yes, I felt guilty afterwards. I rested all weekend and am ready to get back into the swing of things. It was nice to take a break but I miss running and I am worried about losing my momentum. Most of all I missed seeing you guys. Really, the Saturday group runs are what gets me through the week. I'm looking forward to this Saturday and to the Chicago meeting. That will make it all the more real! Keep up the great work guys! You all are the best!!!!!

Monday, August 27, 2007

Really bad day and TMI!

Saturday was a nightmare from the moment I woke up, late. I was house sitting Friday night and I miscalculated my route and drive time to Lakeshore Park. So I got there 5 to 10 minutes after you all had left. That made me mad at myself, but it gave me energy to get going and try to catch up, which I did, somewhat. So I was going along fine through Foxbay when all of a sudden I had to make an emergency pitstop in the woods. It was humiliating and miserable, as some of you know from experience. So I got going again but felt drained and weak and tired, but I kept on for a while until I had to make another emergency pitstop in the woods. At this point I was feeling pretty horrible and I was contemplating going back to the intersection to go back to my car but I decided to push myself and keep going to the boat launch again. Just then Mark and Cookie passed me and Mark asked how I felt. Well, somewhere back in the woods I lost my ability to censor my thoughts and I told Mark exactly how I felt, and it wasn't pretty! Talk about TMI! I am so sorry Mark and Cookie! Please excuse my vulgarity! So I kept going and was feeling okay until I got back to the intersection when all of a sudden I was feeling a horrible pain on the outer bone of my left foot. I honestly felt like I was crushing the bones in my foot. And worse yet is that this happened at the end of the last two long runs. Luckily Robin was there checking on water and she said that I should go to Fleet Feet and have them check it out and then go to Wayne if they couldn't help. So I walked with a limp back to Lakeshore and called it done. Feeling mad, discouraged and totally disappointed, I went to Fleet Feet and a wonderful man there explained that I was probably wearing the wrong type of shoe. My shoes had too much support in them and they did not allow my feet to move they way they wanted to. It totally made sense and I was instantly relieved and encouraged. So go figure, I've been wearing the wrong shoe all along. Since my foot is still sore I didn't run this morning to test out the new shoes, but I think I'll be able to run tomorrow. And depending on how I feel by the end of the week, I'm thinking about trying to do 20 next Saturday instead of 10. I just feel like I need to get that mileage in. So, that's my pathetic story and I'm looking forward to having a better report next week. I must say though that I am so proud of you all and you all looked great out there. I really missed being there with you all before the run and at the start and mostly during the run. You guys are awesome and really are the only thing keeping me motivated. I love you guys, you marathoners!!!

Monday, August 20, 2007

It's ALL mental!

Okay guys, I realized something on Saturday (another epiphany?). At this point in our training, it is ALL mental! Really, it is! I know that because I went to bed Friday night with the intention of having a really good run on Saturday. I woke up Saturday morning with that same intention and guess what??? I had a great run! In fact, I had my best, fastest run yet. And I did this because I thought after the 18 that I was done for so I knew I needed two great, short Saturday runs in preparation for the 20 this coming Saturday. And I did. And it happened because I told myself that I was going to do it. So see guys, at this point, it really is a mental battle. Physically, we can do this. We are perfectly able to do it. It's the mental battle that we need to make a conscious decision to fight and win! Go marathoners, go, fight and win!

Tuesday, August 14, 2007


I just had one, no kidding!!!! I just realized that we have a mere two long runs left. Although they will be tough, LONG runs, there are only TWO left!!!! Do you all know what that means? It means that we are almost there!!! It means that if we had to, we could run Chicago tomorrow!!!!!! Yes, granted the time frame is about six weeks or so, but really, if you think about it in terms of having to get through the really hard, strenuous and difficult times, there are ONLY TWO LEFT! We can do this guys! All we have to do is maintain what we've got now by keeping hydrated and nourished and DOING OUR WEEKLY RUNS, and we'll be there! Come on everybody, just hold on, keep the vision (watch that video) and next thing you know, we'll be flying north! I can hardly wait! I love you guys, you marathoners you!

Monday, August 13, 2007

I found my mojo!

I though I lost it at mile 11 or so of the 18 mile run. But nope, I found it. Actually, I had it with me all the time, I just thought I'd lost it. (Sound familiar Austin Powers fans?) Really though, after the 18 I though I was done. But I felt great Saturday and had a really good run. Thanks Christy, Shelley and Carol-so glad I FINALLY got to meet you! I had a weird foot pain that started at the end of my run and I limped through Wal-Mart afterwards. It felt like I was crushing the outer bone in my left foot. But I went home and iced and stayed off of it all weekend and it is better today. I'm hoping it was just a fluke thing; I didn't run this morning to give it a good extra rest. Although I'm struggling to get in my weekly training, I'm really getting excited for Chicago! I know that I'll have to keep up the training in order to do what I need to do at the marathon. Like many others of you, I may slip in a treadmill run every here and there just to get a break from the killer heat. Many of us are struggling and/or lacking in motivation right now and I think it is probably somewhat normal. After all, it is 100+ degrees outside right now, the long runs are really hard, and um, LONG these days, and we have been doing this for ~six months now and the newness has sort of worn off. But my suggestion to anyone who is struggling is to watch the Chicago video (also posted on the forum): If this doesn't motivate you, nothing will!!!! Keep on keeping on guys! We are marathoners!!!!!

Monday, August 6, 2007


WOW!!!! Those 18 miles almost did me in!!! Let me first say though that I was a bad marathoner last week and I didn't train for a whole week, I ate a bunch of junk and I was not nearly as hydrated as I should have been. I was expecting a pretty crappy run but it was MUCH worse than I expected! I started out a little rough but I got into a rhythm after a while and did okay for about the first 11 miles. Then after the 2nd stop at the Fannin Boat launch I just ran out of steam and started to hurt and I just gave up really. I was running with Heather and we just decided to walk the rest of the way. That was the longest 7 miles of my life! It felt like it took FOREVER!! Luckily, Heather is a chatter bug and was able to talk the rest of the way. I tried to maintain conversation but I know I got pretty quiet those last 2 or so miles. I truly struggled with myself and with this goal and I wondered if I was going to be able to complete this challenge. I was especially disappointed because I was able to do intervals for all but about the last 1/2 mile of the 16. I spent all Saturday afternoon and evening in bed (I HATE that I missed the party) and I was on the couch most of Sunday (planned to go to yoga but didn't quite make it) but it gave me a lot of time to reflect. I know that everyone is entitled to a bad day and with my bad week before and with the heat and humidity, I should be proud for not quitting when I easily could have at the Lakeshore gate. No one ever said this was going to be easy. I also know that I have GOT TO TAKE THIS MORE SERIOUSLY!!! The marathon is a mere 2 months away and I MUST train every day, eat right, sleep well and hydrate. I have not been blogging or responding to blogs either but I promise to do better. Actually, I promise to be a better marathoner all around everyone, I promise!!!!!

Friday, July 20, 2007

16 mile run


One of our MMers, Christy Tucker (seeyainthewindycity) is having childcare issues with tomorrow's 5:30 start time. She asked me to post a message asking if anyone else is planning on starting later, at 7:00 or 7:30 a.m. or so. She wants someone to run with since the pack will be so far ahead of her by then. OR, is anyone planning on doing the run any other time on Saturday or on Sunday even. If you are interested, please call me at work by 5:00 p.m. at 601-984-5167. After 5:00 please call her cell phone at 601-405-4909. Thanks.


Thursday, July 19, 2007


Hi all,

Long time no blog again. I hate excuses but I'm really busy at work these days and I don't have internet access at home.

I've only run twice this week and I could kick myself for it and I KNOW I'll be kicking myself on Saturday (IF I have the energy and IF my legs will cooperate). I am really struggling to get out of bed at 5:00 a.m. these days to do my run or XT. But on Saturday I am bouncing off the walls. I think it's the lure of you guys, I really do! So, I will be making a VERY conscious effort to improve my weekly training. I have to!!! Those 26.1 miles will be here before we know it.

I'm going to St. Louis on Sunday and I'll be there for a week so I'll miss you guys on the 28th. But I promise I'll train during the week while I'm gone and I'll do the 8 miles while there.

I'm already getting excited/anxious for Saturday's 16. I sure hope it rains!!!! (not sarcastic)

Run on marathoners!

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Still high from Saturday

I'm a little slow in writing, but can I tell you all how much I absolutely loved Saturday's run? It was may favorite run yet and I hope it rains like that every Saturday from here on out! Okay, I'm weird. I'm one of those people who loves a rainy day, even storms. But really, I felt like a 10 year old out playing in the rain and it was beautiful! Thank you Kayra for being my rainy day playmate. I just love running with you, and I'm so darn happy that we are such good friends! My knee was surprisingly cooperative during the run too. I felt it, but it didn't hurt by any means. Of course, my whole body was hurting after the run and my legs were sore until yesterday. Cindy has convinced me I have got to try the ice water thing. Brrrr. I can't wait for that. (sarcasm) So, I hadn't done any exercise until this morning when I ran, if you can call it that, and I hate being off schedule but that 15 took a whole lot out of me. Plus, I went on a really crappy blind date Saturday night and was out in a smoky bar way too late and that made me ill, in many ways. I'm better now and looking forward to a good run tomorrow and a great day off from exercise on Friday, and a nice short run on Saturday. Like many of you have said before, life is good. Thank you Marathon Makeover!

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Knee update

Well, I've got good news and bad news. The good news is: I ran yesterday and this morning! The bad news: yesterday I was only able to do it for 16 minutes before I became exhausted, and this morning I was only able to do it for 30 (I walked another 15). Now, keep in mind that I have not run since the 1/2 marathon and that yesterday I tried to do it at 11:00 am (stupid), but I have lost a lot of my conditioning. Amazing how fast that happens. Yesterday, my knee did not hurt at all! YEA! But today, it stiffened up after I stopped and now it is hurting. I've been icing it and eating ibuprofen and that should help. Going home to do my exercises tonight in hopes of being at 100% on Saturday, but if not, I can at least walk the 15 miles. I will try to run as much as I can but I will not push it. I am excited for 15 though regardless. See ya'll Saturday! We are marathoners!!!

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Woe is me!

Well, I'm dealing with some funk again. About a week before the half marathon I started feeling discomfort (not pain) in my right knee. It wasn't enough to stop me from doing the half and really didn't bother me much during the run. I honestly just thought I was overdue for new shoes. But a couple days after the half my knee became very sore. I went and got new shoes thinking that would help, but I still took all of last week off from running to give my knee a chance to rest. So Saturday morning, I went to Clinton with my new shoes on anxious to run. Well, I got to Maude Edith and tried to run and I absolutely couldn't. My knee was hurting now and both legs just felt off. I kept trying several times to run but I just couldn't. So I turned around and joined the curb crew back at ground zero. Sheila, Mark and Matt looked at it and all three said, "Go see Wayne." So I called him first thing Monday morning and got in to see him at 3:00 that afternoon.

Let me just say that Wayne is wonderful in many ways. I sat down on the table and he started talking to me about MM, running and triathlons and other non-injury stuff and he was manipulating my knee and leg the whole time and before I even told him what kind of problem I was having and what kind of pain I was in, he already knew what the problem was. AMAZING! He said my knee is not moving straight when I run. It's going crooked and rubbing bone on bone. So he gave me some exercises to do to strengthen my inner quad that should help straighten it out. The weirdest thing was that he told me to run. He asked what my pain was on a scale from 0 to 10 and I said a 4 and he said that unless it's a 7 or an 8, go ahead and run. I said I was worried that there was something wrong and I didn't want to aggravate it but he wasn't worried about that at all. I was so relieved. He is awesome and I wish I had just an ounce of his energy and drive! He told me to call him in a couple days and let him know how I'm doing. I didn't run this morning and probably won't get to tonight either so I'll probably do a short run tomorrow and my regular one on Thursday and take Friday off as usual. I will just die if I can't do the 15 this weekend. It was soooooooo hard to sit on the sideline on Saturday and watch. Kudos to you Sheila for being able to do that!

So, I'll keep ya'll posted on my goings on. Back to Saturday, Heather is my hero. You guys read Cindy's blog about the kitten. Seeing Heather walk up with a dirty, sweaty, cute and adorable kitten under her arm was the sweetest thing I'd ever seen, especially since she's highly allergic. She said she just couldn't leave it behind. Heather, you really are my hero for rescuing that kitten like that. You have a heart of gold! And I'm so glad Cindy adopted the kitten because it was obvious that it was love at first sight. This all is just more proof that MM participants are truly amazing people, in many more ways than the obvious!

Happy 4th everyone! I'll see you all Saturday, sidelined or not.

Monday, June 25, 2007

I am so happy and proud of us I could cry!

I can't believe we did a 1/2 marathon! I still can't believe we even attempted to do a 1/2 marathon, much less actually completed a 1/2 marathon! You guys are all so awesome and it is the team camaraderie that I enjoy the most about this whole thing. No kidding! It is so wonderful to have the encouragement and support of the group and I know for a fact that I wouldn't have gotten this far if it weren't for the help from my fellow MMers! I love each and every one of you! Thank you all! And Mark, Robin and Matt, you three are priceless and I can't thank you three for all you continue to do for us. You guys are so special and giving and it's because of you that this thing is what it is. (I'm tearing!)

I didn't do as well on the run as I would have liked. I had severe stomach problems Friday night (I ate bad Thursday and Friday---DUH!) but luckily my problem took a hiatus during the run on Saturday. My stomach was very sour and I thought a few times I was going to have to make an emergency pit stop in the bushes. Luckily I avoided that! I did take several bathroom breaks, every chance I could though and that took up a lot of time. And then I had severe toe cramping that I'd never had before so I wasted a lot of time stopping to stretch my toes. So, the majority of my problem was my own fault but I learned my lesson. I'd never had that before and I promise that I won't eat like crap before a run ever again! STUPID! And I'll stretch my toes from now on beforehand too. It's time for new shoes for me and I'm excited. I know I'll feel a difference and my "fat knee" will be a lot happier.

The party Saturday night was just awesome and I love seeing everyone in a social setting. I must admit though I was really tired and not very lively that night (even after a 3 hour nap), but I had a great time regardless. The food was delicious but overwhelming and I wish my stomach was larger so I could have tasted more than just that on the first table. I missed Matt's singing and I hate that! I did hear Mark's Ring of Fire though and that was fun and cute. Caroline is a doll and was great entertainment! Again, you guys are the best!

Sunday was a worthless day for me and I gave myself permission to do absolutely nothing. I figured I earned it. I actually feel okay today and am looking forward to the next big run.

Have a great week you all! Remember what Mark said before we ate Saturday night: "The rest is all between your ears!"


Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Excited for Saturday!

Hi all,

I can hardly wait for Saturday! Not so much for the running, but to finish and to be able to say that I've done a half marathon! Can ya'll believe we are actually doing this? I still cannot!

Saturday's "short" run was awesome! What a nice break only 6 miles was. But I made a mistake. I ran the 2nd half with Cookie and Donna and they are FAST!!!!! I did not run my own race, I ran theirs, and it was tough, tough, tough. I couldn't catch my breath and I was exhausted afterwards! Thank you Cookie and Donna for pulling me, but I cannot keep up! You guys are awesome!

I didn't run yesterday (I have a fat knee right now) so I did my 55 minutes this morning. It started raining just as I was heading out to the track so I turned around and went to the crappy treadmill in my crappy apartment gym. It just wasn't the same and I didn't feel like I was getting a good workout, so I kicked up the speed some and that helped. I missed being outside though.

Have a great week everyone. See ya at the starting line!

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

I've become a bad blogger!

I don't know what my problem is but I will try to get better.

So, Saturday was awful but how great did it feel to finish the 12 miles???!!!! I hadn't been doing so well with my training (and my eating) for the last few weeks since my trip, but I am SO glad to report that I have been "doing the right thing" since Saturday. I've trained every day as required and I'm back to eating the superfoods. It's amazing how much better and stronger I feel. DUH!!!!!!! A note to all my fellow MMers who feel dead on Saturday afternoon and Sunday. I drank Endurox after Saturday's run and I really do think it helped! Of course, I was still tired and I took a nap on both days, as usual, but I didn't feel brain dead and clumsy like usual. I'm sold!

So, that's about it. I'm excited for the 1/2 marathon 'cause I can't wait to tell people that I've run a 1/2 marathon. Who would have thunk it???!!!!!

Run on ya'll!

Monday, June 4, 2007


Read this article from the Sunday edition of the Clarion Ledger:

Woman attacked on exercise path
Police are looking for a man who attacked a woman on the Ridgeland Multipurpose Trail on Sunday morning.
Around 10 a.m., a man came from behind the woman, knocked her down and began to physically assault her, police said.
The woman was able to escape and get help.
The suspect indicated he had a gun but never displayed one, Ridgeland Police Department Lt. John Neal said. The motive of the attack is unclear, he said.
Police said the suspect, wearing a white T-shirt and dark-colored nylon wind pants with a white stripe along the leg, ran toward Harbor Drive and Rice Road.
Anyone with information on the attack is asked to contact the Ridgeland Police Department at (601) 856-5210.

Be careful out there everyone, especially us girls!!!!!

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

I'm back from vacation!

First, can I say how much I missed you guys? I felt totally out of the loop while I was away and I didn't like it at all! I did well with my training though; I got in all but 2 or 3 days of running or cross training, but I was very active the whole time (cleaning out my mom's house, taking my friend's dog on long walks, playing a lot with small children). I did both of my long runs and did them well, except for some sunburn which I didn't plan for (duh). I ate a whole lot of junk food and enjoyed it very much at the time but I'm feeling unhealthy now and anxious to get back into my routine. Overall, my trip was good and I enjoyed being with my friends and family again. I miss them and St. Louis in general very much. Boo hoo! But now back to the swing of things here...

Of course I'm absolutely swamped at work and am still trying to dig out. I've been slowly catching up on blogs and have about 50 to read still. I'll get through them but I probably won't comment as much. Sorry guys but I'm overwhelmed.

And today I'm feeling VERY guilty. I did my weekend long run on Sunday and haven't run since. I did not crosstrain on Monday since I drove for 7 hours and I turned off the alarm yesterday and this morning too, and I hate myself for it. I have GOT to get up tomorrow and run or else I'll be crawling my 11 miles on Saturday. I've set another alarm to go off tomorrow so that should help. I'm just exhausted and need to rest but need to run also. I cannot wait for Saturday as that day will be the start of my serious training again! I'm needing it, bad! Seeing all you guys will help tremendously too! Can't wait!


Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Going out of town

I will miss the next 2 group runs and I hate it! I'm heading to St. Louis (home up until 2.5 years ago) for vacation and I must say I am a bit nervous about getting in my training while I'll be there. I'm concerned that I will have a difficult time making myself do it, even though I know I MUST do it and right now I WANT to do it. I'll just have to keep telling myself that I will ONLY HURT MYSELF if I don't do it!

I've had the work week from hell and with getting ready to go on vacation at work and at home I haven't had much time to blog and to respond to blogs. Sorry guys! And I won't be able to check blogs or write blogs while I'm gone so I guess this is goodbye until I return from my trip on Memorial Day! I will miss you all over the next couple weeks. Keep up the great work all and I promise I will do my best to do the same!

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Addicted to running!

Never have I ever said that or even thought I would ever say it! I don't even like running! I've ALWAYS been athletic (off and on mostly, but basically always) but I've never enjoyed running, that is until now. I tried it in my 20's but I only got up to 3 miles at a time and it really wasn't fun. I stopped after only a couple months. But now I can hardly contain my excitement for my new favorite hobby! I think I even had an out of body experience this morning. I was just running along, forcing my legs to keep moving when they desperately wanted to stop, and my mental being just left my physical body for a few seconds. It was weird, but I liked it! Was that the runner's high I hear so much about?

Saturday was soooo much fun and I was running like a machine that day! I don't know what got into me (I think it was the Monster-I only drink it on Saturday mornings--it REALLY helps), but Kim started me out on a really fast interval, and that set the pace for my whole run. I did 1.5:1 and I finished in less than 2 hours. That was the best I'd ever done and the strongest I'd ever felt. It was wonderful! Thank you so much Kim! Of course, I must admit that I am wiped out for the rest of the weekend every weekend after my runs. I took a 3 hour nap Saturday afternoon and I took 2 naps on Sunday! (Feeling back to my usual self now though!) Saturday's route was treacherous at times (breathtaking at others) and the hills were killers. Two of our MMers, both named Christy, took spills and have sprained ankles. Hope you guys are healing speedily! Clark, you are so awesome and it is so fun to have you out there with us on wheels. Thanks for sticking with us! It wouldn't be the same without you!

I gotta tell the girls about my new favorite running attire: the skirt! They are so comfortable and they prevent that feeling of having a rolled up newspaper between your legs that we females get from shorts that bunch up. I highly recommend a skirt to every girl, and to the guys too if you dare!

By the way, those of you who drive a Honda or an Acura, I highly recommend The Carshop that Jana blogged about. For the first time in my life I feel like I am being treated fairly by a mechanic! They are wonderful and I even had a nice chat with the owner about how people, mostly females, get ripped off by car places. The owner even told me that he left a certain dealership, which will remain nameless unless you really want to know, to open his own place because he was tired of people getting ripped off. How priceless is that?!!!

Keep on moving forward ya'll running your own races. We are marathoners and I can't imagine there is anything else we'd rather be!

Monday, April 30, 2007

I FINALLY feel like a runner!

Saturday's run was so fun and for the very first time I actually felt like a real runner! I also felt like I could've run all day. I quickly got into my groove and I was good to go. Kayra and I started at 1:2 intervals and worked up to 1.5:1. It felt so good! And I LOVE the trail at the Rez and I hope we get to run there a lot in the future. I love the trees and I love the shade and I really love not having to worry about cars. Thanks Kayra for running with me. It is so good to have a running buddy. The time goes by sooooo much faster that way. Now granted, I was exhausted for the rest of the day Saturday and all day Sunday, but that is to be expected, right? My weekly workouts pretty much suck and I feel heavy and slow and like every step takes a huge effort, but this program is obviously working (I didn't doubt you Mark, I doubted me) and I am doing it and am really becoming a marathoner! Yeah! I had been having some problems with pain in my knees and ankles so I went to Fleet Feet and got some cushy inserts for my shoes. They are yummy and I could really tell a difference this morning. HIGHLY recommended! Have a great week you guys! This is the best thing I have ever done for myself. I'm so glad each and every one of you are a part of it!

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Do you recognize these MMers? (Sorry Mandy, I had to. It's CUTE!!!!)

These pics were taken at the Run From the Sun by the Clarion Ledger and are posted on the MS Track Club Website.

The Rose

Many of us are struggling right now. I think this may help...

The Rose

The first day of school our professor introduced himself and challenged us to get to know someone we didn't already know. I stood up to look around when a gentle hand touched my shoulder. I turned round to find a wrinkled, little old lady beaming up at me with a smile that lit up her entire being. She said, "Hi handsome. My name is Rose. I'm eighty-seven years old. Can I give you a hug?" I laughed and enthusiastically responded, "Of course you may!" and she gave me a giant squeeze. "Why are you in college at such a young, innocent age?" I asked. She jokingly replied, "I'm here to meet a rich husband, get married, and have a couple of kids..." "No seriously," I asked. I was curious what may have motivated her to be taking on this challenge at her age. "I always dreamed of having a college education and now I'm getting one!" she told me. After class we walked to the student union building and shared a chocolate milkshake. We became instant friends. Every day for the next three months we would leave class together and talk nonstop. I was always mesmerized listening to this "time machine" as she shared her wisdom and experience with me. Over the course of the year, Rose became a campus icon and she easily made friends wherever she went. She loved to dress up and she reveled in the attention bestowed upon her from the other students. She was living it up. At the end of the semester we invited Rose to speak at our football banquet. I'll never forget what she taught us. She was introduced and stepped up to the podium. As she began to deliver her prepared speech, she dropped her three by five cards on the floor. Frustrated and a little embarrassed she leaned into the microphone and simply said, "I'm sorry I'm so jittery. I gave up beer for Lent and this whiskey is killing me! I'll never get my speech back in order so let me just tell you what I know." As we laughed she cleared her throat and began, "We do not stop playing because we are old; we grow old because we stop playing. There are only four secrets to staying young, being happy and achieving success. You have to laugh and find humor every day. You've got to have a dream. When you lose your dreams, you die. We have so many people walking around who are dead and don't even know it! There is a huge difference between growing older and growing up. If you are nineteen years old and lie in bed for one full year and don't do one productive thing, you will turn twenty years old. If I am eighty-seven years old and stay in bed for a year and never do anything I will turn eighty-eight. Anybody can grow older. That doesn't take any talent or ability. The idea is to grow up by always finding opportunity in change. Have no regrets. The elderly usually don't have regrets for what we did, but rather for things we did not do. The only people who fear death are those with regrets." She concluded her speech by courageously singing “The Rose." She challenged each of us to study the lyrics and live them out in our daily lives. At the year's end Rose finished the college degree she had begun all those years ago. One week after graduation Rose died peacefully in her sleep. Over two thousand college students attended her funeral in tribute to the wonderful woman who taught by example that it's never too late to be all you can possibly be.

REMEMBER, GROWING OLDER IS MANDATORY. GROWING UP IS OPTIONAL. We make a Living by what we get; we make a Life by what we give. God promises a safe landing, not a calm passage. If God brings you to it, He will bring you through it. "Good friends are like stars.........You don't always see them, but you know they are always there."

Monday, April 16, 2007

Incredible Run From the Sun MM Women!

Hey everybody,

Those of you who missed the Run From the Sun and the afterparty, all I can say is, bummer for you! The run was so much fun and the afterparty was even better! Mark and Robin even graced us with their presence! It was great fun! And HOORAY to you awesome girls who received medals at the race:

Ann McManus, Grand Masters
Jana Ethridge, 3rd place in age group
Cindy Windham, 1st place in age group
Deborah Blakeney, 2nd place in age group
Cheryl Jones, 3rd place in age group

(I hope I didn't miss anybody!)

Cheryl, you are awesome and I am so proud of you! See, 60 isn't so bad after all, huh? And I love your family! Jana, I am so inspired by you! You came along like an angel and lifted me on your wings and across the finish line. Check it out all: I was struggling at the end of the race. I lost my strength and was strolling along slowly when Jana came up behind me and said, "Come on, we're almost done. Let's go!" I said, "No, you go ahead." Well folks, Jana would NOT let me lag behind. She MADE me kick it up and she "carried" me through to the finish line. Jana, you are my hero. Thank you so much! I am going to be thinking of you tonight as I do my 5 miles that I missed on Saturday! You ARE a marathoner!

Friday, April 13, 2007



Can't wait all! It'll be FUN, FUN, FUN!!!!! See ya'll there!

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Interval Training!

Now that the 10 weeks is up, many of us are starting to do interval training. It seems like a lot of people aren't sure how to do this. Here's what I've been told by my multi marathon, triathlete boss. It's been working for me for the past couple weeks:

Start low with the runs, like 30 seconds, and walk for 2 minutes (.5:2). Continue those intervals for one week, then gradually add more running, maybe only 15 more seconds: .75:2. Stay there for a week, then add a little more running: 1:2. Stay there for a week, then add a little more running and start decreasing the walking: 1.5:1.5. Stay there for a week and then continue to add running while decreasing walking. Never walk for less than 1 minute. Running though can increase gradually up to 2, 3, 5 or more minutes depending on how you feel. Also, intervals should be done as steps, not as an incline. Stay at one interval for at least one week before you increase.

Mark, Robin, Matt, other experts, do you have anything to add?

Monday, April 9, 2007

EXHAUSTED on Sunday!

I woke up feeling like someone had beat me all night while I slept (for 11 hours I should add) on Sunday morning. I did the whole 4 miles of intervals on Saturday then had the crazy notion to go on a 45 minute bike ride that afternoon through a hilly subdivision. What was I thinking? The beautiful weather was calling me and I thought a quick trip on the bike wouldn't matter much. WRONG!!!!! My butt hurts still and my quads are killing. But it's a good pain. I hadn't ridden in 2 1/2 years! So, as if I didn't sleep enough Saturday night, I took a 4 hour nap on Sunday and then felt dazed and confused for the rest of the day. (Needless to say I did not XT!) I thought I'd wake up this morning bouncing out of bed ready to run like a gazelle like Steph says, but my legs had lead weights in them. I did my 50 minutes of intervals though and pushed through it. Tomorrow will be better, I know.

As usual, Saturday was awesome! I'm so glad I finally got to meet Steph and Mandy. I hate that I barely got to see Kayra and hardly got to talk to Magda. Mag, I was looking for you on the run so we could do intervals together. I didn't see you at all. Chuck, Clark and Jana, you guys are awesome! I'm so glad we are buddies! Kelvin, we missed you! Brenda, you have the greatest attitude; you are so positive. Keep up the great work everybody! We are marathoners!

By the way, my back is almost 100%! YEAH!!!!

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Run From The Sun AFTERPARTY!!!

Hi all,

I know that several of us are planning on doing the Run From The Sun 5K run/walk on Saturday, April 14 at 5:30 p.m. Well, as if the race won't be fun enough, Cheryl Jones (cjonesrun) and I are planning a post run get together at La Cazuela Mexican Grille at 1401 Fortification St. in Jackson. See Cheryl's post on the message board on the website. All are welcome, even if you don't do the run. For more info about the run, go to It's $15 to pre-register and proceeds go to skin cancer prevention. It's a great cause. Wear your MM tee shirt and wristband. KRISTY JONES, YOU'RE IN, AREN'T YOU?????? Bring your hubby!!!

See ya'll Saturday!

Monday, April 2, 2007

3 girls looking for a 4th

Hi everyone!

Every Saturday is better than the one before. I just don't know how that's possible but it's just keeps on getting better! Making the decision to do this very well may have been the best decision I've ever made in my whole entire life. That is the truth! You guys are the best and this whole thing wouldn't be what it is without each and every one of you. And Mark and Robin should be getting the Nobel Peace Prize!

Okay, so Kayra (pronounced "Kida," long I), Madga and I are teaming up to stay in a quad, but we're looking for a 4th brave soul (just kidding) to stay with us. Are there any solos MMers out there looking for a room?

Have a great week ya'll!

Friday, March 30, 2007

Registered for Run From The Sun!

I'm so excited! And nervous too! It'll be my first race. But I'm mostly excited, especially because it's at 5:30 p.m. I won't have to miss any MM activities that day. Lisa, Shelley, Christy, anybody else, are you guys in?

My back is feeling better today; thank you everyone for your advice. I'm still hurting and bending is out of the question, but I think I'm going to live. I hate having missed 2 days this week but I'll get over it. I hope to be up to par tomorrow for our levee run. Can't wait to see you all tomorrow. Getting up early on Saturday is my favorite thing in the world. (I would have never said that a few months ago!)

Run, wog, or walk on marathoners!

Thursday, March 29, 2007


I'm hurting again. Tuesday I didn't exercise because my left calf was hurting me. Wednesday morning it felt better so I did my cross-training 1984 strength-training video tape and about 10:00 a.m. yesterday my low back started hurting me. It's right above my hips and it feels stiff and tight. My back is usually tight when I wake up but I slowly stretch it out and it feels better. But now it's totally locked up and when I move or try to bend at all it catches and pulls and BIG OUCH! So, I didn't exercise this morning and I've been eating advil and I'll go home tonight, if not earlier, and ice it. So I've missed 2 big days this week and this is reminding me of my knee problems a couple weeks ago that really bummed me out! My boss, the runner/marathoner/triathlete says that this is "normal" and that every part of my body will hurt at some point through this training, but that does not make me feel any better. So I've been paying special attention to stretching my hamstrings (per Mark's response to the "low back pain" post on the message board. Anybody else had this problem? I'd sure appreciate any words of wisdom!

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Run From the Sun, Sat. April 14, 5:30 p.m.

Hi fellow MMers,

Anyone doing the Run From the Sun 5K run/walk on Saturday, April 14? This one's in the evening so we wouldn't feel rushed to get to our weekly MM meeting. I'll probably do it. Anybody else? It's $15 to pre-register. Proceeds go to skin cancer prevention. Good cause! Check out the website:

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Life of its own

Hi all! This group is just so amazing I can hardly stand it. It seems like it's taken on a life of its own, doesn't it?!!! You guys truly are the best and I can't imagine doing this on my own. In fact, I know I wouldn't be doing this on my own! Your encouragement, support, and sharing of your own trials and tribulations keeps me going day after day. And wasn't Mark's talk on Saturday the most tremendous thing you've ever heard? I plan on listening to that at least once a week just to keep the momentum! Mark, you are gifted, truly! (Can you all tell I'm a little intoxicated by all this? It must be what they call runner's high. It's priceless!)

I'm not much of a cook but I've been finding myself in the kitchen a lot more than usual lately and I want to pass on a delicious recipe. It's great for those of you who don't like spinach. I've adapted it from a very high fat recipe my mom used to make for my brother and I when we were younger and wouldn't eat our spinach. We fell in love with spinach thanks to the high fat version of this dish. The high fat version includes 1 stick of butter and a 1/2 pound of velveeta. I've greatly reduced the butter and used lowfat cheese instead of velveeta. It's delicious.

Spinach casserole. Ingredients: 6 eggs whisked, 1 lg. carton lowfat cottage cheese, 2 packages thawed and well drained frozen chopped spinach, 1 small pat of butter, 1 package lowfat cheese cubed. Directions: Grease baking dish with pat of butter (this gives it a nice brown crust). Pour in cottage cheese, eggs, spinach and cheese and mix well. Bake at 375 degrees for one hour or until center is firm. Enjoy!

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Status quo

I'm doing it. I'm walking, cross-training and eating right. It feels so damn good! Saturday was awesome! Mark cracks me up and I loved the levee. (It was my first time!) I heard someone on the run say that she hadn't done the blog thing yet. I told her that she HAD to do it since she was missing one of the very best parts! You guys are awesome! Thanks for all the great support. I wouldn't be going through with this without you all. Keep up the great bloggin' and walkin'/runnin'!

P.S. I'm DYING to run. I must confess that I did intervals for a very short while on Saturday. I couldn't help it. It felt good and no knee problems. I can't wait to do it regularly. Has it been 10 weeks yet? I've lost count.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Finally up to 100%

I think I can safely say that I'm back in this and up to 100% again. It took a lot longer than I expected but I am SOOOOO glad to be back. I look forward to my walking and especially to Saturdays. I'm exercising and eating right and it feels damn good. You guys are the best and I'm so glad to be doing this with you all. Keep up the great works marathoners!

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Scotty's Pay Raise CD

Now that I'm working to get my personal health under control, I am also motivated to get my financial life under control thanks to Scotty's CD that we got in our bag. Even if you aren't struggling financially (and who isn't?), I highly recommend it! It is a sensible and doable approach that takes you step by step through the process. I just this month paid off my credit card for the first time in 3 years and now I'm getting ready to shop for a house. After listening to Scotty's CD, I realize now, among many other things, that I need to save for an emergency fund in addition to a house fund. Thanks for that nice gift Scotty. This whole thing really is a lifechange!!!!

I must admit though that until I did my 1984 strength training video tape this morning, I hadn't exercised since SATURDAY!!!!! I am slowly but surely regaining my mojo and really am excited to walk tomorrow. My new mantra will be "no excuses." (Thanks again Lisa and Christy!)

Monday, March 5, 2007

I think I can! I think I can!

I'm having to push myself these days; it's not coming to me so easily as it did before my injury. It's so much easier to sit on the couch and be fat, but that sucks and it feels so much better to exercise and eat right. (What a concept!) So I'm trying hard to get back into the routine full force. I'm not quite there yet but I want to be so that's good. Saturday I didn't walk the levee but instead I walked the track at the Healthplex. I did about 2 miles at a pretty good pace before my knee started hurting. I didn't want to overdo it. I didn't exercise Sun or today, but tomorrow I look forward to walking. I'm totally over feeling guilty about not eating right or missing my walking. I guess that means that I'm thinking in the grey area that I used to so desperately avoid. It's weird, but good, I guess. I have fridge FULL of superfoods. Funny how the store was completely out Kashi Go Lean Crunch and frozen blueberries! Thanks for the cool bag and goodies Mark and Robin. And thanks so much Lisa and Christy for making me keep it real and keep it in perspective. I don't have kids or even a significant other to hold me back. I have NO EXCUSES!!!!

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Deja Vu

It's weird how I'm having to start over in every single way after taking only 2 weeks off. Every single muscle in my body is sore, I'm dying of hunger even though I'm eating enough to feed an army and I feel like I can't walk and crosstrain without feeling like I've never ever done it before. I guess it goes to show just how out of shape I am. This will be good motivation though to remind me to keep it up! And regardless, I'm just as happy as I can be to be able to be doing it again when I had doubts that I'd be able to at all. Keep up the good work everyone, even if you're having a setback. We are all struggling but that is how we get to where we need to be. We are improving and getting stronger and WE ARE MARATHONERS!!!

Friday, February 23, 2007

I'M BACK!!!!!!!!!

Thank you so much everyone for your encouragement and support during my "down time." My knees are almost normal and my brain and heart are not feeling sorry for themselves anymore. We can ALL learn from this: We will have setbacks. That is inevitable. It will be very hard. We will think we've given up. But we're here and obviously want this so we push and we fight and we lean on each other, and somehow, we get through it! Again, I can't think you all enough. Your comments helped tremendously!

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Trying to get back on the wagon...

Well, I lost it there for a while, mentally and physically. I've been dealing with these damn knees and finally the frustration got to me and I totally gave up on myself and on this goal. I knew it would take a while for the knees to heal but I never thought it would take this long. I am almost walking without a limp at this point but last week and this past weekend were pretty awful. I've done no exercise, at all, for 8 days now except for the swimming (if you can call it that) on Saturday after the meeting. My old, bad eating habits crept back into my life this weekend as well so I pretty much let it all go. Like I said in my last blog, I've never been very patient and I've always been pretty much a black or white/all or nothing thinker. (I think this is the "stuff" that Mark is talking about!) But I'm even more miserable now feeling like a failure and I'm damned and determined (as my friend Christy says) to get back in. There's still no walking in my sights for a while, but there's no reason I can't stretch, cross train, and eat right every day. So, starting right now, this is what I'm going to do until my body allows me to officially be back on the wagon. Thank you all for your support. It means the world to me!

Friday, February 16, 2007

Ho hum

Another day, same old problem. I'll stop harping on you all about what not to do and just write about what I am HAVING to do. I played with a 2 and a 6 year old last night and I must have overdone the bending and getting up and down from the floor 'cause I could barely walk when I got out of bed this morning. I took some ibuprofen and laid on the couch with ice for about 30 minutes and it was much better. I did some leg stretching and Robin's recommended leg exercises and was feeling much better. I'm just frustrated that this doesn't seem to be getting any better. Patience is not a quality that I have learned to master. So, until further notice, I'll be doing my marathon training in the swimming pool! Ugh!

Thursday, February 15, 2007


If you don't know by now, I didn't buy my new shoes and I RAN in my crappy old shoes after living a sedentary lifestyle for the last 2 years. DO YOURSELVES A FAVOR AND DO NOT DO WHAT I DID!!!!! My knees are paying the price and I have not been able to do ANYTHING all week except eat lots of ibuprofen and sit on the couch surrounded by bags of frozen peas!

Believe me, it's an awful feeling, having done this to myself by NOT LISTENING TO MARK, and not being able to follow the program after having enjoyed it so much for the past few weeks. Tomorrow I am going to try to slowly do some stretching and maybe do some of the exercises that Robin suggested on my "no impact exercise" post on the message board. I will be not be doing the 1.5 miles with you all on Saturday; I will most likely be in the pool at the Healthplex. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, if you are a beginner like me and have not purchased shoes, WALK ONLY (NO RUNNING) AFTER YOU GO TO FLEET FEET!

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Still sidelined!

Well, I'm temporarily (hopefully) out of the game. My knees felt better yesterday but today they are aching badly again. I've been eating lots of ibuprofen and have done no walk exercising or impact exercise (only stretching and strength training not involving knees), but this is clearly not going to go away overnight. I can't even walk properly or stand up straight. Mark was kind enough to talk to me on the phone and gave me some instructions about ice, more ibuprofen, PROPER SHOES when I'm better, and swimming and recumbent biking if I can. I get to do NO running or walking. PLEASE learn from my mistakes!!!! If you haven't gotten your shoes or have just started running, PLEASE read my last few blogs and go to the Message Board on the MM website and read Mark and Robin's responses to my post titled "No Impact Exercise!"

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Ibuprofen: the wonder drug!

Wow! My knees feel so much better already. I went home last night and sat on the couch all night after popping a couple Ibuprofen. By the time I went to bed, I was almost walking normally. This morning I was a little stiff when I woke up but I swallowed those miracle pills again and my knees feel better. I can't express how happy I am that I think this is just going to be a temporary setback! I am in this for the long haul and I am nowhere near ready to quit this. I feel "yucky" not having been able to work out this morning but that is a good thing!!!!!! It's amazing how much I am enjoying this and how much I look forward to my workouts and my new healthy lifestyle. This really is a life change makeover. Thanks again Mark and Robin! You guys are the best!!!!

Monday, February 12, 2007

I did something stupid!!

Well, what did Mark tell us to do FIRST THING? Go to Fleet Feet and get shoes. I promise that I've been meaning to go since my boss told me to go a month and 1/2 ago, but have I? No. Why? No good reason. Didn't get around to it, or some dumb excuse. Now what? My knees are hurting, badly. It hurts to stand, to walk, and I didn't even think about running this morning. I did walk for 2 miles on the treadmill though so that didn't help. Right now it hurts even to sit at my desk. I am very mad at myself and can only blame myself. So I am going to take tomorrow off and do nothing and feel mad at myself for having to do that, and then Wed I'll XT (I have this Joanie Greggains workout VHS tape from 1984, no kidding, that works arms, abs, legs and butts) and I'll go to Fleet Feet Wednesday night so I can get shoes and hopefully at least walk on Thursday. If you haven't gotten your shoes yet, PLEASE GO!!! Learn from my mistake and don't hurt yourself like I did. Other than my own stupidity and stubbornness, I am doing well otherwise.

Saturday was fun, though for some reason I hate the running while I'm running. I got an inhaler and coughed only a little after the run. (Turns out I don't have asthma but I'm having bronchospasms from being out of shape. GO FIGURE!) My nose ran like a faucet again (I filled three kleenexes and had to stop 5 times to blow in 1.5 miles) so my boss ENT doc is going to give me Atrovent to try next week. (If these knees don't get better, there will be no next week.) My exhaustion has passed and my extreme hunger has levelled off and physically I feel damn good. Can I share these really personal things too with ya'll: Are you all experiencing an increase in libido and a regulation of, if not clockwork, digestive system cycle? No wonder people run!

Keep up the good work all! And get your shoes!!!!!

Friday, February 9, 2007


I've been so pumped and excited and energized, but for the last two days I've just felt REALLY TIRED. I did what I was supposed to do yesterday and was so glad that today was an off day and that I could sleep in. But when I woke up today, I felt like someone had beaten me all night. My muscles are sore which I know is normal, but my body is just generally run down and fatigued. Maybe I'm fighting off a cold or maybe my body is just trying to adjust to this new way of life, but right now I feel like I could lay my head down on my desk and sleep. I'm excited to meet and run tomorrow though and I plan on doing absolutely nothing for the rest of the day after the run. I'm so fortunate that I don't have a spouse or kids that need my time and attention. I have extreme admiration for all your parents out there who are doing this. You all are my inspiration, really.

Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Loving this!

Who besides me can't wait to get on the computer to check new blogs? I am really enjoying this and really enjoying you all's blogs and comments. We can all do this with each other's support. Keep up the blogging and the moving forward ya'll. You guys are awesome!

Monday, February 5, 2007

I used to love Belhaven...

but I was cussing it like a sailor on Saturday. I was not prepared for the hills and I didn't reach my goal of running the whole mile. I ran half and walked the rest, especially up the hills. I was disappointed and discouraged with myself. But I wouldn't have made that goal had I known I was going to be running on hills, so I have let that one go. I had a pretty decent asthma attack after the run and coughed for the rest of the day. I'm seeing my allergist this week to get an inhaler so I won't have to experience that ever again. I had a great XT workout yesterday and I ran for 10 minutes on the treadmill this morning walking the rest. My goal tomorrow is to run for 10 minutes outside which I'm sure will be very different than on the treadmill. I feel great though! My exercise regimen is solid; I even look forward to getting up at 5:30 every day to work out. Believe me, this is the biggest accomplishment of all since my sleep is sacred. My body feels stronger and my legs hurt and are not as smooshy and jiggly as they were just 2 weeks ago. I am still eating like a horse though and that is bothering me. My food is healthy but it is a lot! I'm sure that will even out soon. The MM group is great and I am inspired by you guys! Keep up the good work.

Thursday, February 1, 2007

Energizer bunny

Still going....

I am pretty proud of myself actually. I've only missed one day of training and I'm up to running (really just a jog) for 5 whole minutes on the treadmill. I walk for about 15 to warm up then go for it and really enjoy going back to walking for 10 more minutes when it's done. It is quite an accomplishment for me, really. A couple things though for my fellow glutton's for punishment:

1) Did it take anybody else 2 whole days to figure out this blogging thing or better yet, to remember how to get in to post a blog?
2) Is anyone else having a problem with sinus drainage WHILE running? I work for an ENT doc who says the same thing happens to him. (He's a runner/marathoner.) He says I'll get used to wiping it on my sleeve, but I'm not there yet. He also says I can take more meds (I already take more than I want to for allergies) but I don't want to do that either. Just wanted to share the joy of this with you all.
3) Is anyone else starving to death? I've been trying to eat healthy and not as much as I used to, which was way too much, but I'm ALWAYS hungry now! I guess that's a good sign that my metabolism is up. But I can't tame the wild beast unless I eat a whole lot! Any suggestions? I'm trying to eat at least something every couple hours to give myself continuous nutrition. I feel guilty eating a lot since I'm being so good at exercising. HELP!

I'm really enjoying everyone's blogs. Keep up the good work all!

Monday, January 29, 2007

Training for Chicago...

I've been walking for about 10 days. I'm trying to jog but am only up to 3 minutes! Every "walk" day I plan to increase that some. I did cross training yesterday, a strength training video; every muscle in my body hurts. It is a good, motivating hurt. I couldn't do this without the support of the Marathon Makeover. Thank you so much Robin and Mark!