Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Marathon Makeover Annonymous?

Does it exist? I need it! I cannot stop! Even thought the Chicago Marathon is over and I'm not signing up to do the MS Blues (more on that below), the thought of being done with MM just kills me!!!! I was so looking forward to having NOTHING to do this weekend and to staying up late Friday night and sleeping in Saturday morning, and I did both of those things. But let me just say that it was AWFUL and I missed my Saturday morning routine and my friends SO much!!!! I swear I'm think I'm having withdrawal!!! So, Mark, Robin, Scotty, and Matt: do you have a need for more curb crew? I'm serious! If you can think of a regular, recurring, occasional, or one-time task (paid or volunteer) that I can do for and with MM, please let me know!

About MS Blues, I just can't do it right now. I've changed my mind a million times about whether or not I was going to do it and I even had a check and the registration form in a sealed envelope at one point, but I've finally decided that I am not going to for several reasons: 1) my darn feet and shoe problem. I STILL don't have the right shoes and my feet were killing me soon after the marathon started, 2) my previous goal for after the marathon was to buy a house and move, which I am gearing up to do and will be very time consuming, 3) I don't really like running, except for Saturdays. In fact I HATED training during the week, absolutely HATED it! But, I did it because I knew I had to. But I absolutely LOVED running on Saturdays. (It was seeing my MM friends on Saturdays that I loved!) Basically, I'm not very good at running and I don't really enjoy doing things that I'm not good at. 4) I REALLY want/need to lose the 50 pounds that I gained in three years after I moved to Mississippi and in fact that was my goal for this year and during the marathon training. It just didn't happen because I was so drained after the runs that ALL I wanted to do and did do was eat. 5) My goal for after I buy the house and move is to go back to school to finish my degree, which again will be very time consuming.

So, those are my reasons. I had these goals planned out in January and I really want to stick to them. But I am in no way done with MM or with running even. I will be at the MS Blues Marathon cheering on my MM friends, and I am shooting to be a MM participant in 2009. After all, my other goal of completing a marathon still has not been met. I just feel that my other goals are a little more important at this point in time. So I'll still be checking in with MM regularly and Mark, Robin, Matt and Scotty, I'm serious when I say I want a job. So all, that's my plan and unless something major changes, I'm sticking to it.

Let me say one more time that my MM experience and my MM friends are the best I could have ever asked for. I love each and every one of you!



Believe in Miracles ~ Lisa B Davis said...

You are so sweet!
Look forward to seeing you again!

The Miller's Blog said...

Christa! It just won't be the same without you there! But, I totally understand. You met a HUGE goal this year and now it's time to move on to other things. I will be training for the half marathon with MM, but of course will soon be trying to have baby #2 in January. Maybe you and I could both be curb crew and/or volunteers b/c I know I will have withdrawals. BUT, like you, will hope to be back on the MM scene in 2009. Good luck with all your upcoming goals. I know you will be successful!!! AND WE WILL KEEP IN TOUCH!!!!!!!!! No ifs ands or buts!!!!!!!!

Did I Just Do What I Think I Did? said...

You know you can do a half. Whatcha gonna do? Sit on the couch? Sleep late on Saturdays? Just kidding. I totally understand but it will not be the same without you and I don't like it!

Chicago_or_Bust said...

If you don't think you want to do the half in Jan., I'm sure the MS Blues people would love to have volunteer help that day!


catseye said...

I know just how you feel. I, too, was really ready for the Marathon training to be over. (I didn't enjoy the Saturdays as much as you did). So I am going to work on the weight and short distance running and see where that gets me.
I, too, want to keep in touch with the group and come out and cheer them on when I can. We can be cheerleaders together!

cjonesrun said...

Have you thought about running those short little 5K runs? That would give you something to shoot for every now and then and would help with the weight control. Since it is only 3.1 miles you would not be wiped out and would have energy to do something besides eat. It could help keep you in condition to tackle the 2009 MM. Just a thought. You have got to be part of the curb crew...we need your bubbly personality and BIG SMILE :).

LegalSec said...

I understand everything you said! If my doctor had said "You cannot do marathons," I would be a part of the Curb Crew for the rest of my life! I too loved the Saturdays with all the MMers and would never trade sleeping in for the friends I've made. So just get out there and encourage everyone to do what makes them happy. And if watching the MMers on Saturdays is what makes you happy, then just do it! See you soon!

Kayra said...

we can officially become the MM cheerleaders (we can borrow Candace's pom poms). Seriously, let's sign up for some fun 5K next year, so we can work on our pace and get ready for '09. Good for you for having all these other goals to look forward to.

Chuck Gautier said...

You are still a marathoner. Good luck with the other goals, and be sure to stop by and give us a yell every now and then.