Monday, February 5, 2007

I used to love Belhaven...

but I was cussing it like a sailor on Saturday. I was not prepared for the hills and I didn't reach my goal of running the whole mile. I ran half and walked the rest, especially up the hills. I was disappointed and discouraged with myself. But I wouldn't have made that goal had I known I was going to be running on hills, so I have let that one go. I had a pretty decent asthma attack after the run and coughed for the rest of the day. I'm seeing my allergist this week to get an inhaler so I won't have to experience that ever again. I had a great XT workout yesterday and I ran for 10 minutes on the treadmill this morning walking the rest. My goal tomorrow is to run for 10 minutes outside which I'm sure will be very different than on the treadmill. I feel great though! My exercise regimen is solid; I even look forward to getting up at 5:30 every day to work out. Believe me, this is the biggest accomplishment of all since my sleep is sacred. My body feels stronger and my legs hurt and are not as smooshy and jiggly as they were just 2 weeks ago. I am still eating like a horse though and that is bothering me. My food is healthy but it is a lot! I'm sure that will even out soon. The MM group is great and I am inspired by you guys! Keep up the good work.


Anonymous said...

Hey Christa!
You're doing awesome!
I've also got the allergy /asthma connection....kind of sucks, but these things are working for me:
Pulmicort, Rhinocort, Astelin (if really bad news---all inhalers), Allegra or Allegra D depending on congestion. Of course, there's always the albuterol. I sometimes do that right before I leave and I think it does help. The Astelin does kind of make you sleepy so reserve it for when you're desperate. I think the running actually helps clear you out....Good luck at the doc....who are you seeing?

Mark Simpson said...

You have plenty of time to run. Take it easy for now and enjoy the process!

Robin said...

Hi Christa,
I also struggle with allergy/exercise induced asthma. It's not fun, but can be managed. One thing that really helps me is to run intervals. I run for 2 minutes and walk for 1. This way, I recoop before I am spent. I promise it does not slow you down. In fact, it has made me faster. We will be covering this in our meetings and encouraging it for everyone.