Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Interval Training!

Now that the 10 weeks is up, many of us are starting to do interval training. It seems like a lot of people aren't sure how to do this. Here's what I've been told by my multi marathon, triathlete boss. It's been working for me for the past couple weeks:

Start low with the runs, like 30 seconds, and walk for 2 minutes (.5:2). Continue those intervals for one week, then gradually add more running, maybe only 15 more seconds: .75:2. Stay there for a week, then add a little more running: 1:2. Stay there for a week, then add a little more running and start decreasing the walking: 1.5:1.5. Stay there for a week and then continue to add running while decreasing walking. Never walk for less than 1 minute. Running though can increase gradually up to 2, 3, 5 or more minutes depending on how you feel. Also, intervals should be done as steps, not as an incline. Stay at one interval for at least one week before you increase.

Mark, Robin, Matt, other experts, do you have anything to add?


Kayra said...

great info. So I guess I should have started at half minutes? When I ran on flat land, it was fine. The hills almost killed me though. I'm going to do another 1:1 on Thurs and see how I feel, this time on flat land, and go from there. thanks for the info.

Did I Just Do What I Think I Did? said...

Thanks Christa,

I was told today by a layperson who knows alot about physical therapy that I probably have patella tendonitis. I think if I do intervals like you suggest I will do better. I will try it Saturday instead of trying 2/2 intervals.


Robin said...

Great tips, Christa, thanks!

Mark Simpson said...

Perfect! Great tips - thank you and your boss.

catseye said...

This is the plan I'm working on. I have completed the week of 30 second (.5/1) intervals and am trying 1/1 this week. Managed to do 10 repeats, so I think that's progress. I appreciate the advice to always leave a minute to recover regardless of the running interval. I didn't know that and would probably have tried to make it shorter as the running got longer. Have some hills to contend with, but nothing major.

Still seems like an impossible dream to be able to even run one mile.

Thanks for your faithful blogs. I always enjoy reading them.

cjonesrun said...

Christa, thanks so-o-o much for sharing that plan. That sounds very reasonable and SMART. We don't want to overdo. Also, thanks for the info on the watch. I would like to see it on Saturday so I can see how large the numerals are since I need BIG to be able to see easily. See ya Sat.

catseye said...

My name is Cathy and I have short brown hair and am about 5'4. (no comment on weight ;))

Will look for you Saturday. My picture is not on the web yet...I am photo adverse! Actually, am going to have my husband take one of me to post, but he's been working 16 hour days for the last three weeks, but maybe we can get it done this weekend.

See you Saturday!

Chuck Gautier said...

thanks for the tips on the interval running. My ironman watch face came off and I glued the piece that came off with some 2 part apoxy and now my start button is stuck. bummer.... I am not sure if I can do the run from the sun. thanks for asking. wife has been outta town on a work convention, and might run it with me, though, if we can get my FMIL(favorite mother-in-law) to watch kids...She is already watching them friday night for a dinner party we are going to. She had a melanoma/skin cancer removed once. I'll play up that angle...My wife is the runner in the family, but can't run as much as she used to due to a chronic illness....chrohn's... anyway, who has signed up??