Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Run From The Sun AFTERPARTY!!!

Hi all,

I know that several of us are planning on doing the Run From The Sun 5K run/walk on Saturday, April 14 at 5:30 p.m. Well, as if the race won't be fun enough, Cheryl Jones (cjonesrun) and I are planning a post run get together at La Cazuela Mexican Grille at 1401 Fortification St. in Jackson. See Cheryl's post on the message board on the website. All are welcome, even if you don't do the run. For more info about the run, go to It's $15 to pre-register and proceeds go to skin cancer prevention. It's a great cause. Wear your MM tee shirt and wristband. KRISTY JONES, YOU'RE IN, AREN'T YOU?????? Bring your hubby!!!

See ya'll Saturday!


mag3 said...

I just registered for the run. My son is also going to do it.

Micah said...

I would love to do the run, but I have drill. I would even love to do the after party more so than the run. Hope you guys have a good time. Maybe next time I can join you.

Kristy Jones said...

Yes, I am coming! Steven is coming too! I am so excited!! We will deserve some cheese dip after the 5 mile morning and then the 5K!! See ya Saturday! :)