Tuesday, June 12, 2007

I've become a bad blogger!

I don't know what my problem is but I will try to get better.

So, Saturday was awful but how great did it feel to finish the 12 miles???!!!! I hadn't been doing so well with my training (and my eating) for the last few weeks since my trip, but I am SO glad to report that I have been "doing the right thing" since Saturday. I've trained every day as required and I'm back to eating the superfoods. It's amazing how much better and stronger I feel. DUH!!!!!!! A note to all my fellow MMers who feel dead on Saturday afternoon and Sunday. I drank Endurox after Saturday's run and I really do think it helped! Of course, I was still tired and I took a nap on both days, as usual, but I didn't feel brain dead and clumsy like usual. I'm sold!

So, that's about it. I'm excited for the 1/2 marathon 'cause I can't wait to tell people that I've run a 1/2 marathon. Who would have thunk it???!!!!!

Run on ya'll!


Kayra said...

We'll forgive you (this time) LOL It was great to see you. You are looking strong out there, way to go!

Did I Just Do What I Think I Did? said...

Clark and I ate at Taco Bell last night on the way home from Baton Rouge. You can't get much worse than that!
I have been BAD on my eating this week. I WILL do better, I WILL do better.
It was SO good to see you Saturday. Is it possible to become great friends this soon?
BTW, do you date? I would like to introduce you to someone but don't know how you feel about it. He is 31 - maybe too young.

lisathehornplayingturtle said...

Thanks for the (ahem) nudge on Saturday. Can I have an ounce of the discipline you're showing this week. Look forward to seeing you at the half-marathon next Saturday.

nissannurse said...

Look good as usual!! It was very difficult to watch you leave me and get smaller while running back across the bridge. You've got some strong running skills, girlfriend!! I tried a sample of that Endurox on Saturday, and I wasn't near as bad on Sunday. I agree with you there. (Sorry sweatie, I don't have any brothers or sisters..... :-(

The Miller's Blog said...

I was just thinking this morning how much I miss your blogs!!! I love your always upbeat and positive attitude! And I also love your running skirt so much, I think I might have to go get one!!!! See you Saturday!!!!!!!