Friday, February 16, 2007

Ho hum

Another day, same old problem. I'll stop harping on you all about what not to do and just write about what I am HAVING to do. I played with a 2 and a 6 year old last night and I must have overdone the bending and getting up and down from the floor 'cause I could barely walk when I got out of bed this morning. I took some ibuprofen and laid on the couch with ice for about 30 minutes and it was much better. I did some leg stretching and Robin's recommended leg exercises and was feeling much better. I'm just frustrated that this doesn't seem to be getting any better. Patience is not a quality that I have learned to master. So, until further notice, I'll be doing my marathon training in the swimming pool! Ugh!


Robin said...

You will pull through, but it will take some time. Working out in the pool is going to make you strong, so hang in there - we have plenty of time.

mag3 said...

Just wanted to let you know that getting fitted for the shoes was the best move I made. Hang in there. This to shall pass.

Anonymous said...

OK, you're not allowed to babysit anymore until you're better! I did not see you at the meeting, but I might have just missed you with all the people....
Just 'cause you're swimming doesn't mean you don't need shoes! You will feel better soon:-) Go get all your gear while you can't do too much else. At least you'll be ready! Christy was out there running again, so you'll be up and running again soon too! You've already done the hardest part! It will get better if you just stick with it a while longer. The first 6 weeks are definitely the WORST and you're almost there!!!! How is that swimming going?

Beverly Keaton Smith said...

Hi Christa, Remember to is very soothing and good for you to breathe through the frustrations when they pop up your stamina slowly so you will feel good in your body as you are doing great! ~Beverly

MJacobs said...

I think I did the same, I did get new shoes, but started some running and it made my knees start hurting. My sister-in-law (who's done a marathon) suggested leg exercises in the gym to strengthen my leg muscles before I start running. So I'm gonna do that for a couple of weeks (until after spring break, going skiing and don't want to mess up my knees or I won't be able to ski!!!) Then I think I'll add a little running at a time cause I've never run. Maybe you should try that too after the pain goes away. If your like me, I'm not a patient person and want to do everything NOW!! Hope you feel better, let me know how you're progressing!