Friday, March 30, 2007

Registered for Run From The Sun!

I'm so excited! And nervous too! It'll be my first race. But I'm mostly excited, especially because it's at 5:30 p.m. I won't have to miss any MM activities that day. Lisa, Shelley, Christy, anybody else, are you guys in?

My back is feeling better today; thank you everyone for your advice. I'm still hurting and bending is out of the question, but I think I'm going to live. I hate having missed 2 days this week but I'll get over it. I hope to be up to par tomorrow for our levee run. Can't wait to see you all tomorrow. Getting up early on Saturday is my favorite thing in the world. (I would have never said that a few months ago!)

Run, wog, or walk on marathoners!


mom of 2 said...

hey girl!

I haven't made up my mind about the race. It sounds fun. You are going to have a blast at your first race; then you'll be hooked. Night races are so cool. I won't be at the meeting tommorrow, I'm going to a conference at church. Have fun on the levee!

God Bless

Chicago_or_Bust said...


Make sure you stretch your back before coming to the training on Saturday. Then you can do a couple of toe-touching stretches just before the run and you will reduce the chance of your back tightening up on you on the levee.


stephanie said...

Thank you so much for the kind words. You made my day!! Opps I shouldn't say that! :o) But it did make me feel good! Thank you!!

nissannurse said...

Great to meet you and run a little bit with you. Keep up the good work! You go girl!! Woop!! Woop!! Woop!! (That's me cheering for you)

The Miller's Blog said...

I've signed up for the run from the sun 5k. Really excited.