Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Scotty's Pay Raise CD

Now that I'm working to get my personal health under control, I am also motivated to get my financial life under control thanks to Scotty's CD that we got in our bag. Even if you aren't struggling financially (and who isn't?), I highly recommend it! It is a sensible and doable approach that takes you step by step through the process. I just this month paid off my credit card for the first time in 3 years and now I'm getting ready to shop for a house. After listening to Scotty's CD, I realize now, among many other things, that I need to save for an emergency fund in addition to a house fund. Thanks for that nice gift Scotty. This whole thing really is a lifechange!!!!

I must admit though that until I did my 1984 strength training video tape this morning, I hadn't exercised since SATURDAY!!!!! I am slowly but surely regaining my mojo and really am excited to walk tomorrow. My new mantra will be "no excuses." (Thanks again Lisa and Christy!)


nissannurse said...

You know my wife and I already do everything that he outlines. It really does work! We seem to have MORE money paying cash than we did paying with credit cards. My wife is such a great bookkeeper. (That's what she does as a living). If something happened to her, I would be lost!!!!

Micah said...

So glad you said something or otherwise it may have stayed in my desk drawer.

The Miller's Blog said...

I haven't listened to it yet, BUT I'm sure that you would love Dave Ramsey! It's the best thing Chad and I have done for our marriage. It sounds like similar principles as whats on that cd, but Dave bases it on Christian beliefs. IT'S AWESOME!!!!! And with my husband being a CPA, he's all about pinching and counting pennies however and whenever he can. I'll have to listen to that cd.

Kayra said...

Hey Christa! I haven't listened to the CD yet but I have read Dave's Ramsey total money makeover. We are about 4 months away from paying off everything except the house. We cut all the credit cards a long time ago, so we have been on a cash basis for a while.

anyhoo, back to marathon. My week was awful when it came to training. hopefully I'll get back on track. Hang in there.