Monday, April 9, 2007

EXHAUSTED on Sunday!

I woke up feeling like someone had beat me all night while I slept (for 11 hours I should add) on Sunday morning. I did the whole 4 miles of intervals on Saturday then had the crazy notion to go on a 45 minute bike ride that afternoon through a hilly subdivision. What was I thinking? The beautiful weather was calling me and I thought a quick trip on the bike wouldn't matter much. WRONG!!!!! My butt hurts still and my quads are killing. But it's a good pain. I hadn't ridden in 2 1/2 years! So, as if I didn't sleep enough Saturday night, I took a 4 hour nap on Sunday and then felt dazed and confused for the rest of the day. (Needless to say I did not XT!) I thought I'd wake up this morning bouncing out of bed ready to run like a gazelle like Steph says, but my legs had lead weights in them. I did my 50 minutes of intervals though and pushed through it. Tomorrow will be better, I know.

As usual, Saturday was awesome! I'm so glad I finally got to meet Steph and Mandy. I hate that I barely got to see Kayra and hardly got to talk to Magda. Mag, I was looking for you on the run so we could do intervals together. I didn't see you at all. Chuck, Clark and Jana, you guys are awesome! I'm so glad we are buddies! Kelvin, we missed you! Brenda, you have the greatest attitude; you are so positive. Keep up the great work everybody! We are marathoners!

By the way, my back is almost 100%! YEAH!!!!


VICKIE said...

thank you so much for the kind and encouraging words, this whole makeover thing has been so good, i hate missing the running and hope i can catch up.
keep up the good work, i hope to come saturday even if i can run,i dont want to get out of the loop of going..
take care,,

Kayra said...

I came and left a comment but for some reason, it's not here. umm. I can't believe you had enough energy to get on a bike. I was still jet lagged Saturday morning. Magda was sweet enough to wait for me so we ended up doing the rest of the 4 miles together.
what intervals are you running? 3:1, 2:1, 5:1?

Anonymous said...

You rock!!! Way to go girl!!!

The Miller's Blog said...

Keep up the great work!!! I am not doing so hot this week. I honestly haven't felt well, but I'm trying to ignore it so it will go away, but.....
Anyway, I need some motivation! Especially if I'm going to be crazy (and quite possibly dumb) enough to do 2 5k's Saturday. What am I thinking?
Oh well. Talk to you later!!!! Have a great day.

nissannurse said...

See ya Saturday for the big 5-0!!

We'll all be blowin and goin!!

Chicago_or_Bust said...

I'm glad to hear your back is better. Pamper that back and stretch it every morning.

Keep it is shape so you can do the 5 miles PLUS the 5K AND THEN the superfood margaritas!!


Chuck Gautier said...

You are so hillarious, Christa- Okay, I was a bum Sunday, too. Had a big lunch at the Mother-in-Laws, and got an empty house to crash at as the wife and kids stayed longer. Nap Time! Glad to hear your back is better- We will all need to be at our best for 5 miles!