Monday, April 30, 2007

I FINALLY feel like a runner!

Saturday's run was so fun and for the very first time I actually felt like a real runner! I also felt like I could've run all day. I quickly got into my groove and I was good to go. Kayra and I started at 1:2 intervals and worked up to 1.5:1. It felt so good! And I LOVE the trail at the Rez and I hope we get to run there a lot in the future. I love the trees and I love the shade and I really love not having to worry about cars. Thanks Kayra for running with me. It is so good to have a running buddy. The time goes by sooooo much faster that way. Now granted, I was exhausted for the rest of the day Saturday and all day Sunday, but that is to be expected, right? My weekly workouts pretty much suck and I feel heavy and slow and like every step takes a huge effort, but this program is obviously working (I didn't doubt you Mark, I doubted me) and I am doing it and am really becoming a marathoner! Yeah! I had been having some problems with pain in my knees and ankles so I went to Fleet Feet and got some cushy inserts for my shoes. They are yummy and I could really tell a difference this morning. HIGHLY recommended! Have a great week you guys! This is the best thing I have ever done for myself. I'm so glad each and every one of you are a part of it!


nissannurse said...

You doubt yourself??? You guys ran so much better than I did on Saturday! I was impressed at how much you have improved. I like the Rez myself and the no cars issue.

Kristy Jones said...

Awesome! You are doing so great! I can't wait to run at the rez! I have to miss the group run AGAIN this Saturday! I think I am going to go get in my 8-9 miles Friday night at the rez. Maybe I'll see you NEXT weekend.

The Miller's Blog said...

Go Christa!!! You are doing great! I'm glad we are all in this group together. I couldn't imagine a better group of people to be part of this little adventure with!!!!

mag3 said...

Great job Christa, Hope you guys don't leave me behind on Sat. Work and trip have kept me busy. Email me regarding Chicago. Never heard back from K. Have a great week

Chuck Gautier said...

You are a Marathoner, for sure! See ya Saturday!

Robin said...

I'm glad you had such a good run Saturday! And, yes, we will be out at the rez A LOT during all of this. We love it out there, too!

cjonesrun said...

Oh, Christa, you are sounding
so-o-o like a made me feel more positive about all this...I am experiencing those aches and pains and it is nice to know it is not all age related. I don't feel like a marathoner yet, but I am sure I will get there. You add such enthusiasm and friendship to our group!!!!

catseye said...

You guys are doing great! I'm not progressing as fast with the running as I'd like, but am progressing. It's just taking longer to build up stamina than I'd like.
See you Saturday!

Matt Broome said...

Guess I am going to have to start planning a dinner party!

I love those times when everything in my running seems to fall in line. Glad you had a good weekend run.

Anonymous said...

You go girl!!! I knew you could do it!

AmyW said...

Cushy inserts from Fleet Feet. I will check that out, as my ankles get "stiff" really quickly during my wogging. Going by there this morning. Enjoyed reading your blog! Very inspiring, and especially the Rose. It hit home with me.

Cincha said...

I really liked the Rez, too. Hope to see you tomorrow. :-)

cjonesrun said...

Where are you? You usually blog most every day...hope you are okay.