Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Finally up to 100%

I think I can safely say that I'm back in this and up to 100% again. It took a lot longer than I expected but I am SOOOOO glad to be back. I look forward to my walking and especially to Saturdays. I'm exercising and eating right and it feels damn good. You guys are the best and I'm so glad to be doing this with you all. Keep up the great works marathoners!


nissannurse said...

You Go Girl!! Oh Yeah.....It's ya birthday! (doin the sprinkler dance......)

Tripp'n again said...

Hope you’re the right “Christa” and it is your post on Christy’s blog.

St. Paddy’s 5K is Saturday, 8:00am; corner State and Capitol (BanCorp South Building). If you’re not staying for awards ceremony, making Makeover Marathon meeting at 9:00am, doable since being held at downtown Healthplex, a few blocks away.


mag3 said...

Glad to see that you are back.

Anonymous said...

Ain't it great when things go right!!!! Of course, I always knew you'd turn it around....way to go! And is it really your birthday????

catseye said...

You know, you could have easily said, well, I blew it and it's not going to happen this year. But, no, you worked through the injury and are right back there in it.

So I really admire you, as I don't know if I got off track whether I'd be strong enough to get back on.

Hope to meet you in person Saturday.

The Miller's Blog said...

"Catseye" is totally right! I KNOW that I would have not been able to make a comeback like you! So welcome back! And I'm glad you're in the game to stay!

Robin said...

Hey Christa!
Glad you are back 100% - stay the course!

Chicago_or_Bust said...

Way to go Christa!

Glad you're back. I hope that will be me in a couple of weeks, after I get over this knee surgery.

You're an inspiration.


The Miller's Blog said...

I'm not sure exactly how to post anything on the message board ( I might be a total idiot), but about the GI 5k, it is sat. March 24 at 8:00 at the Ag museum. You can just show up, you just won't get a t-shirt. It's $15. I'm sure you could call the GI center. I just saw it in the paper on Sunday and Monday. I threw away all the information when I mailed in my check. I'm sorry, wish I could tell you more.

Kayra said...

I'm glad you are back! Maybe we can do the levee together this weekend. although I should warn you, speed is not my forte.
See you Saturday!

Micah said...

I love your attitude! I need to hang around you if I am going to get through this. Glad you are back...and I have not been able to figure out who you are at the meetings. I won't be there tommorrow but maybe next Saturday I can pick you out. If you see me, please say something. My picture is on my blog.

cjonesrun said...

Christa, I just read your comment on my blog that you would be wearing a pink visor yesterday. Sorry, I did not read it earlier so I could find you. Wear it NEXT Saturday!