Thursday, March 29, 2007


I'm hurting again. Tuesday I didn't exercise because my left calf was hurting me. Wednesday morning it felt better so I did my cross-training 1984 strength-training video tape and about 10:00 a.m. yesterday my low back started hurting me. It's right above my hips and it feels stiff and tight. My back is usually tight when I wake up but I slowly stretch it out and it feels better. But now it's totally locked up and when I move or try to bend at all it catches and pulls and BIG OUCH! So, I didn't exercise this morning and I've been eating advil and I'll go home tonight, if not earlier, and ice it. So I've missed 2 big days this week and this is reminding me of my knee problems a couple weeks ago that really bummed me out! My boss, the runner/marathoner/triathlete says that this is "normal" and that every part of my body will hurt at some point through this training, but that does not make me feel any better. So I've been paying special attention to stretching my hamstrings (per Mark's response to the "low back pain" post on the message board. Anybody else had this problem? I'd sure appreciate any words of wisdom!


Chicago_or_Bust said...

Sorry to hear about your back. If it is muscular (and hopefully not a disc), then the back stretches where you lay on the floor and pull one knee to your chest for a 30 count (with the other one bent), then the same with the other leg, then with both knees to your chest. Do the whole thing 3 times. Should help relax your lower back muscles, in addition to the Advil.

I used to stretch my back in the mornings by touching my toes or the floor, but these stretches are easier on your disks.

Good luck,


Kayra said...

my back has been feeling a bit tighter, but I usually have backaches anyway. don't worry too much. I've been out of commission this week. Couldn't do anything last night, and probably won't do anything tonight either, bc my knees are still aching. ditto what Clark said. Stretching your back may help. I usually do Pilates to stretch and it works.

Micah said...

Hang in there. I know about back my pain and it is not fun. Once I had a doctor tell me it may be something I would live with the rest of my life since I am a woman (then it was lower back). Don't really know what that means but okay. I have found it goes and comes with me. For me, I stretch and watch my posture. I have recently found out that posture is what is causing my upper back to hurt now.

Robin said...

You might consider calling Dr. Taylor- he has really helped me with my lower back and neck/shoulder pain. He keeps my aligned and it makes a BIG difference.