Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Status quo

I'm doing it. I'm walking, cross-training and eating right. It feels so damn good! Saturday was awesome! Mark cracks me up and I loved the levee. (It was my first time!) I heard someone on the run say that she hadn't done the blog thing yet. I told her that she HAD to do it since she was missing one of the very best parts! You guys are awesome! Thanks for all the great support. I wouldn't be going through with this without you all. Keep up the great bloggin' and walkin'/runnin'!

P.S. I'm DYING to run. I must confess that I did intervals for a very short while on Saturday. I couldn't help it. It felt good and no knee problems. I can't wait to do it regularly. Has it been 10 weeks yet? I've lost count.


Kayra said...

It hasn't been 10 wks yet but we are getting close. I've been "running" (if you can call it that) a bit too. I like going to the levee too. Let's try and walk together this Saturday, I promise I won't run off! LOL
Thanks for the compliments you left in my blog ;)

Kayra said...

It hasn't been 10 wks yet but we are getting close. I've been "running" (if you can call it that) a bit too. I like going to the levee too. Let's try and walk together this Saturday, I promise I won't run off! LOL
Thanks for the compliments you left in my blog ;)

Mark Simpson said...

We are 8 weeks and if you add in a few run intervals I won't pitch a fit!

Kayra said...

hey Christa, send me an email at panama10@gmail.com I'm all for sharing a room. yay!

VICKIE said...

i think your right about staying in, i thougth i was feeling much better so i went down and worked on the pool some,,
whewwww not as good as i thought, back on the couch,
thanks for the words of encouragment,,
hope to meet you sat!

catseye said...

I am so glad you are back at it to the point you're ready to run.

You are an inspiration to me that you didn't give up and came back and are right here with us.

I've tried a few intervals and ugh...it's hard! My legs just don't seem to want to carry me more than a little at a jogging pace. I feel like I could walk all day, but when I run a little ... well, a little is all I can do.

I just have to keep reminding myself we still have 6 months to get ready and the improvements that have been made in the past 8 weeks.

Keep up the good work and high spirits!

cjonesrun said...

It was great to meet you yesterday and put a face with the blog...girl, you are cute...guess you have just chosen not to get married yet. Look out, that ole prince (or frog) will ride in one day and sweep you up!

mom of 2 said...

Thanks for your encouraging words. You are a genuine and very kind person. Saturday we must have missed each other, I only saw you for a flash. I will definitely let you know about the running skirt.
Have a great day!