Monday, April 2, 2007

3 girls looking for a 4th

Hi everyone!

Every Saturday is better than the one before. I just don't know how that's possible but it's just keeps on getting better! Making the decision to do this very well may have been the best decision I've ever made in my whole entire life. That is the truth! You guys are the best and this whole thing wouldn't be what it is without each and every one of you. And Mark and Robin should be getting the Nobel Peace Prize!

Okay, so Kayra (pronounced "Kida," long I), Madga and I are teaming up to stay in a quad, but we're looking for a 4th brave soul (just kidding) to stay with us. Are there any solos MMers out there looking for a room?

Have a great week ya'll!


D'Ann said...

Thanks Christa for all the encouragement you give. You are always smiling and cheerful. This Marathon Makeover is GREAT!

The Miller's Blog said...

I would sign up to be a roomie, but my friend and I are together. So, we need 2 people. But, I'll just let the people in charge handle our rooming because I have not really gotten to know anyone in person yet. My friend, Kelly has missed several meetings, so I hope she sticks this out completely. otherwise......

cjonesrun said...

Hey Christa, I signed up for the "Run from the Sun" 5K. I am wondering if doing whatever distance we will be doing that morning with MM and also the 5K later in the day is too much too soon for us. I will ask Mark about it. I hope not because I am ready to do some of these fun 5K's.